My Basic Idea / Concept

Iguchi Takahito
2 min readOct 5, 2021


My Basic Idea

What is photography, anyway? Photography is the act of a lens collecting light and burning the image onto a medium such as film. It is both a storage medium and an expressive medium that stores optical memories as images, displays them, communicates them to others, and talks about them. I myself had a solo exhibition at a contemporary art gallery in Nihonbashi, Tokyo in the summer of 2006, when I shot a collection of portraits. I then published the data from that shoot on Flickr, a photo-sharing service that was in its peak at the time. As it turned out, my solo exhibition didn’t develop into anything special after that, but Flickr created a lively conversation with new visitors. And from there, I had the good fortune to have one of my works used as a paperback book cover for the French-language “Bedtime Eyes” (an Akutagawa Prize-winning novel written by Eimi Yamada).
Yes! That was the first time that I had taken and published my own photographs, and it was an extremely wonderful happening. What I want to try in this NFT Photography Series “JPG/JPN” is a further expansion of that event. What I would like to try in this NFT Photography Series “JPG/JPN” is to expand the event further, to have the photographs acquired new interpretations and understandings by viewers, and from there to be applied to completely new expressions and works. That is what I would like to try.



Iguchi Takahito

DOKI DOKI INC CEO / NFT Photographer