Egbe Doris Takang
5 min readMar 1, 2019


Most often, we look at the things around us and we are surprise because we can’t actually understand how they came into existence.

When we see things like the satellites, air crafts, computer, we are like waoh! How did these things come about? Some people even go right to the extent of making statements like ,“the man who invented this object must be living in heaven with God” sorry for you who is still thinking this way, for all those who invented this thing are human beings like you and I.Reason being that right from the beginning, in the time of creation, the almighty God, the creator himself had placed in man the great wisdom and the ability to create.

In this article, you are going to be learning about the mustard seed, it will give you the general view on how great and mighty things come about.

What is a seed? A seed is the unit of reproduction of a flowering plant. capable of developing into another such plant. and fruits, the new plant can either be small or large depending on the nature of the seed sowed.

Now what is a mustard seed? The mustard seed is the small round seeds of a plant, the seeds are usually 1 to 2 millimeters. This seed always grows to produce large unimaginable trees as compared to the seed sored

Just as we see the tiny nature of a mustard seed growing to become a mighty tree, that is how every great and mighty thing begin. They all start as a conceived idea which is very small just as the mustard seed and later on developed to a project and from a project, to a realization.

For an aeroplane to fly in the air, it all started with an idea, a store building always has a story to tell, for the story is always, an idea was conceived before we have a beautiful realization we see as the end product. For you to have this piece of material you are reading, it all started with an idea conceived by the writer. In a nutshell what we trying to say here, is that everything we see in life, all started with an idea.

But just an idea can never give us the full picture of what we see, for it is just an introduction or a foundation of the beautiful picture we see. Now the big question is how does the mustard seed which is an idea grow to become a mighty tree?

How to develop an idea?

Just as a seed is being nurtured before sowed into the soil, that is how every conceived idea need to also be nurtured. When nurturing an idea, you need to take into consideration the following.

- The purpose of the idea, that is you need to have a focus on the output of the conceived idea.

- The importance of the idea to you and the society

- The nature of fruits the idea is going to yield

  • Finally, the time taken to yield the fruits.
  • Applying this to a seed, we can talk of: the nature of the seed, the type of fruits to be obtain during harvest, and the time taken to yield the fruits.

Yes, after putting this factors together, we need to sow the seed, that is we proceed by putting the conceived idea into action, which can now be call a project.

How and what to do to ensure a successful end product of a project.

The seed has been planted, but is that enough? No it isn’t. so what next? The seed will need water for it growth. So we need to water the seed for it to germinate and grow. To have the end product of every project, it need a lot of investment. You need to put in your time, a lot of energy and effort.

Sometimes it may seem so discouraging, especially when you are putting in all your effort, time and energy and no good result is being produced. But I encourage you reading this article, do not give up on that project. I insist do not give up! If you fail once try again, always give another try. Don’t say” I have tried my best” your 90%, 95% or 99% is not good enough. Until you put in your 100% that is when you are able to obtain your objectives.

Good job! You are watering the seed and it is beginning to grow, but don’t forget it will grow among the thorn bushes which will end up chocking the plant. You need to weed the unwanted grass around your plant.

Just as the plant needs weeding, in realizing a project, disconnect yourself from unwanted companies, people that are specialize to discourage you and kill your drive for success. Rather connect yourself to people who can motivate, inspire and push you to go forward in achieving your goals. That is people who have succeeded in your field of life. Ask questions to inquire on the challenges they encountered on their journey to success. Always remember this no body has the monopoly of knowledge. that is why you need to listen and learn from others

Finally exercise patience, allow the law of time to play a role on the growing plant that is the project at hand. For every growing plant, has a given time to get mature depending on the fruits it produces. Always remember tomato plant is a seasonal plant and takes three months to bear it fruits, while palm tree, is a life time tree and takes many years to produce its fruits.

With all this assembled together, and with the help of the almighty God, I assure you, the tiny mustard seed will surely become a mighty tree with fruits. That is, that idea or dream, will surely become a reality. hmmmm! look at the pictures above. aren,t they beautiful? of course the are. they came into existence as a result of an idea.

Hey! you reading this article, have you got an idea or a dream to achieve something in life? I got one too. Hope what you read above help you in realizing that dream.



Egbe Doris Takang

planing alone, does not bring success, but determination and hard work and prayers does.