Scalatra now supports Scala3

Naoki Takezoe
1 min readAug 4, 2022


Recently, we published Scalatra 3.0.0-M1 which finally supports Scala 3

Most of Scala 3 support work in Scalatra has been done by xuwei_k. Thank for his great contribution to the project!

Here is an example of Scalatra project with Scala 3.

You can find a controller which is written in Scala 3 syntax as follow in this sample application :-)

package com.example.appimport org.scalatra._class MyScalatraServlet extends ScalatraServlet:
get("/") {

By the way, Twirl which is the default template engine in Scalatra has not yet supported Scala 3 but it has a milestone builds (the latest one is 1.6.0-M6) that support Scala 3 so we can use it with Scalatra 3.0.0-M1 and Scala 3.

Scalatra 3.0.0 is still in the milestone phase. Some additional changes could happen before finalized. However, it is a super stable framework for years. I believe it can be used safely and no major changes are expected until GA.

