75 Hard Challenge

Taki Moore
3 min readJan 4, 2021


I want to bring your attention to a process called The Dirty 30. It’s the five things that you can do every day for the next 30 days to grow your business and help your clients to get wins.

Frankly, this process helps you own your life as well.

But before I get into it, let me first give you a bit of context. This email serves as an introduction to The Dirty 30.

I recently observed a mental toughness challenge that some of my mates on Instagram did. It’s called 75 Hard and the rules are really simple.

The challenge consists of five things that you’ve got to do for 75 days. If you miss any one thing on any one day, you go back to day one. As you can imagine, it really tests your determination and stamina.

For example…

… You need to do two 45-minute workouts a day. One of those has to get done outside regardless of the weather.

… You also have to choose a diet and follow it to the letter. No cheat meals!

… You’re supposed to read 10 pages of a non-fiction book every single day.

… Finally, no booze for all of the 75 days.

Halfway through the challenge, I just got so inspired. The challenge completely changed the way I show up in the world.

What intrigued me the most was that they positioned 75 Hard as a mental toughness challenge. On the surface, it looks like a fitness challenge.

One of the things that really stood out was the idea of who you can become. That is, if you show up at full strength all the time without messing around or making excuses.

It got me thinking. If only there was a 75 Hard business, what would it look like?

And that’s how I came up with The Dirty 30.

With exceptional mental stamina and focus, you can achieve amazing business results.

More on this in my next few stories.

P.S. Whenever you’re ready… here are 4 ways I can help you grow your coaching business:

1. Grab a free copy of my book

It’s the roadmap to attracting prospects, signing clients, and scaling your coaching business. — Click Here

2. Join the Coach Dojo and connect with coaches who are scaling too

It’s our new Facebook community where smart coaches learn to get more income, impact, and independence. — Click Here

3. Join our Implementation Program and be a Case Study

I’m putting together a new coaching case study group at Black Belt this month… stay tuned for details. If you’d like to work with me on your client-getting and scale plans… just send me a message with the words “Case Study”. — Click Here

4. Work with me and my team privately

If you’d like to work directly with me and my team to take you from 6 to 7 figures… just send me a message and with the word “Private”… tell me a little about your business and what you’d like to work on together, and I’ll get you all the details! — Click Here



Taki Moore

Author of Million Dollar Coach | Creator of The World’s #1 Marketing System for Coaches & Consultants