Taklimakan Network — April Road Show

Hello dear participants of the Taklimakan Network project!

Taklimakan Network
8 min readMay 7, 2018


We are glad to announce that our big April Road Show has been successfully completed!

For your comfort, we collected all the reports of each conference and individual meetings with the entrepreneurs, in which we participated!

If you have any questions, feel free to ask in our Telegram chats:


Taklimakan Network in Singapore

The first phase of the Taklimakan Network global roadshow was successfully completed. The team spent four days in the city-state, from the third to the sixth of April.

During these dates, a number of important meetings with the field professionals, associations and private investors were held. The CEO of the Taklimakan Network Rashid Yussup and Business Analyst Berik Yernazar presented the project and then had a comprehensive discussion with the investors.

Eddie Lee, Vice President of the Singapore Fintech Association, said that the Taklimakan Network project is at the start, and much remains to be done, but its significant potential is noticeable already.

The project definitely has grabbed an attention of Singaporean investors, many of whom also represent the interests of crypto-investors from neighboring countries. They said that Taklimakan platform can become a leader in the area. Also, the team successfully presented the project at the Modern Investment with Blockchain Platforms international conference in the Singapore Financial Center. Specialists from Singapore, the USA, China, Malaysia, India and Russia attended the event as well.

Seoul, South Korea

Taklimakan Network — Blockchain Tomorrow 21

Taklimakan Network participated in the “Blockchain Tomorrow 21” conference, that took place on 8th of April in Seoul. The company, along with our Linker Coin partners, acted as the Diamond Sponsors of the conference.

The conference was visited by more than 700 crypto-enthusiasts! Berik Yernazar, our Business Analyst, spoke in great detail about the project’s mission: to provide newcomers to the crypto-currency market with correct knowledge and professional expertise, in order to help them make rational investments.

Sao Paulo, Brazil

Individual meetings in Sao Paulo

São Paulo, Brazil The «Taklimakan Network» project has been successfully presented in Latin America, the Brazilian São Paulo. From April 11th to the April 14th, the project CEO Rashid Yussup and business analyst Berik Yernazar held a series of meetings with Brazilian investors and successfully represented the project at the international conference «Plataformas Blockchain como o modelo moderno de investiment».

Brazil is the Latin America’s largest country and economy. The country is far ahead of its neighbors in terms of GDP, being the main economy in Mercosur, and São Paulo is one of the largest cities in the world.

The Brazilian audience greeted the «Taklimakan Network» very well. The country clearly wants to increase the level of financial literacy and investment skills in the crypto-industry. Therefore such project as «Taklimakan Network» is necessary for both novice and well-established investors.

Promising agreements were reached on the project expansion in Latin America. The intentions of large Brazilian investors for the ICO were noted as well.

Dubai, UAE


The next milestone of our project’s Road Show was the “WORLD BLOCKCHAIN FORUM 2018” which was held in Dubai during April 16th and 17th. “Investments and ICO’s” was the main agenda of the event. It is worth noting the special status of the forum, which brought together many promising projects and speakers. The commitment of Dubai to invest in its future and allocate resources for blockchain technology makes the city an ideal place for the meetings and discussions related to the crypto industry. The city offers a unique opportunity to connect with leading CEOs, founders, innovators and investors involved in the crypto world. Famous figures of the industry, like Vitalik Buterin, John McAfee, Brock Pierce, etc. were speakers of the event. The Taklimakan Network team including project’s CEO Rashid Yussup and COO Rustam Kairy together with business analyst Berik Yernazar held a number of meetings with investors and new potential partners.

Our project received many positive feedbacks and participants marked the useful and interesting idea of the platform, which also carries a social character. It was noted that such platform will guide the beginners and help them to avoid making risky actions as well.

London, UK

From 18th to 20th April, the Taklimakan Network project was successfully presented at one of the world’s biggest blockchain-events. Blockchain Expo Global has united 1400 visitors, 500+ speakers and 250 exhibitors.

“Within two days we presented the project at our exhibition stand in the expo zone, “says Alexander Mitrovich, adviser to the Taklimakan Network project, “and also made a presentation at the big stage of Blockchain Expo Global”

Visitors appreciated the level of the project and showed serious interest in ICO. Also, a series of meetings was held in the City of London with the largest players in the global blockchain industry. As a result of the trip, Taklimakan Network expects to receive significant investments in the ICO project from investors in the UK and around the world.

Zug, Switzerland

Blockchain Summit Crypto Valley

“We had an interesting and informative working day filled with panels, keynotes and fireside chats, meetings with partners and investors, as well as a presentation of our project for all conference participants that attracted interest.” — commented the main analyst of the Taklimakan Network, Bojan Trivic.

Over 60 speakers provided high-quality basic materials and panels on Mainstage. Start-up hall hosted the most innovative projects and start-ups from Blockchain space. More than 700 participants joined the presentation of the Taklimakan Network project at a conference in Crypto Valley.

Hong Kong

A few days ago, the Taklimakan Network blockchain project was successfully introduced in Hong Kong.

A series of live presentations took place as part of extensive roadshow covering different geographical locations. CEO of the project Rashid Yussup and Business Analyst Berik Yernazar were presenting the project in front of big audience.

Hong Kong is a special autonomy within the Demographic People Republic of China, which was under colonial rule of British empire for over 100 years. This aspect forms a completely unique blend of business styles, traditions, and also leaves an imprint on all aspects of Hong Kong’s business activity. In just three days, we presented our project to investors from Hong Kong, China, Morocco, the UK and Singapore.

Hong Kong is called the gateway to China. Many Chinese crypto investors act through Hong Kong. And the meetings held by the project attracted investments from this location. Such investment channels will require additional work, but in the end they will surely bear fruit according to team members.

Berik Yernazar successfully delivered a presentation of the project at the international blockcahin conference called “Financial system and hi-tech: new strategies of investment”, held on April 26 in the start-up center “The Wave” in Hong Kong. Visitors from different countries appreciated the presentation approach and contacted with the team for further collaboration opportunities.

Agreements were made to promote the Taklimakan Network project in Asia. The team expects a significant return from Asian investors for its ICO, which officially began on April 9 and will commence on June 9 of this year.

Vilnius, Lithuania

Crypto Capital World

Taklimakan Network project have been presented in the “Crypto Capital World” Summit which was held in Vilnius on 25th and 26th of April!

Our project was introduced by our advisor Alexander Mitrovich who had a pitch in front of the audience.

Alexander discussed the current market problems and the state of cryptocurrency trading, as well as the tools of our platform. One thing to admit, many crypto enthusiasts have shown an interest in our project and we are glad that people support our desire to help beginners better understand the crypto industry and give them all necessary infrastructure for this.

There were many speakers, investors, representatives of various ICO projects, who shared their experience and presented new ideas. Also, many partnerships were signed during the summit.

We are not going to stop there, and we want to spend a few more individual meetings, as well as take part in some conferences in May!

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