How To Choose The Best Orchestra Conducting Baton For The First-Time

Takt Batons
2 min readMay 6, 2018


If you visit any conductor’s baton manufacturer, it is normal to be overwhelmed as you’re just starting your music conducting journey. Before buying any baton for you, you might want to have a talk with your conducting instructor. Because the instructor might want you to have a wooden baton of a particular size or weight. Make sure, that the baton you choose should have good balance. Remember, some great musical legends think of their batons as an extremely personal item and with the help of a properly balanced baton with ideal weight and length, a conductor can boldly achieve results and clarity quite effectively.

Wooden Baton Case

Choose Baton According To Your Height: Many people compare the baton length with their forearm. This trick is quite effective as it let you choose a baton that can be a perfect match for you lengthwise. but, remember, the height of the baton is not everything.

Choose Your Baton Case: Choosing the baton case is also an important part. As it holds and protects your precious batons while you’re not using it. Many Conductors prefer using wooden baton case as due to its durability.

Analyse Your Hand: Analyse the kind of hands you have. See, if you have long, short or stout fingers. Each hand is different and each hand should hold a unique baton. It will help you to select the handle.

Take The Environment Into Account: Under what kind of environment you have to play? Consider the color of the walls or the density of lights inside the performance room. Consider the number of performers. This way you could consider the perfect baton color and size of the baton.

Baton Balancing Point: The balancing points depend on the height of the baton. Such as, if you see a 12-inch baton, you can safely assume that the balance point of the baton is within 1/4th inch of the handle. If you hold your best conducting batons according to the balance point, you’ll have a silky smooth move.

What Kind of Handle To Choose: Here are many handle options are there for you to choose from. You can choose the wooden handle or you can also choose batons with cork handle. Also, batons with plastic handles are available. Plastic handles are usually for the learners. It is also inexpensive. As you’re just learning to conduct, you should choose a plastic handle baton for you.

Choosing the best conducting batons is a tough job as you don’t have prior experience. But keep all these points in mind while choosing one for yourself.



Takt Batons

Takt Baton is the home of the best quality of conductor batons. The company guarantees high-quality batons that can meet the class and standard that all the lea