RxJS & Angular — Unsubscribe Like a Pro

Tal Ohana
The Startup
Published in
5 min readAug 4, 2020

All the patterns you will ever need to subscribe and unsubscribe from RxJS Observables in your Angular project!

Follow along the code with this live demo
Find the full source code for this blog in this github repository


We use RxJS in every Angular app we write, it has a large impact on the data flow across our app, performance and much more

It is important to unsubscribe from our Observables in order to avoid memory leaks. This article will show you most of the patterns you can unsubscribe from Observables in your Angular components!

We start with creating this dummy service to help up keep track on the subscriptions we are making

Our dummy service will have a single getEmissions method, which accepts a scope to log events and returns an Observable which emits
${scope} Emission #n every nth second.

#1 The “Regular” Way

The simplest way of subscribing and unsubscribing from an Observable is to subscribe within ngOnInit, create a class property holding our Subscription, and unsubscribe within ngOnDestroy.
To make things easier, we can initialize the subscription property to Subscription.EMPTY to avoid null checking it when unsubscribing:

To see everything’s working we’ll remove the component from the DOM after 3 seconds to see that it is unsubscribes

As the name suggests, this is the most basic way of unsubscribing, it is good when you have a single Subscription, but when you have multiple subscriptions, each of them will need its own class property and a call to unsubscribe within ngOnDestroy

#2 Subscription.add method

RxJS Subscription comes with a built in Subscription.add method that allows us to stack multiple teardown logics to a single Subscription instance.
First, create class property initialized to new Subscription(), next instead of assigning our subscriptions to class properties, call Subscription.add method
And finally, unsubscribe within ngOnDestroy

Opening our console we should see two subscriptions:

With this, we can easily use the built-in power of RxJS and subscribe / unsubscribe to multiple Observables without introducing extra class properties.

#3 AsyncPipe

Angular has many great built-in pipes, one of them is the AsyncPipe.
The AsyncPipe accepts an Observable and automatically subscribes to it and unsubscribes when the component destroyed.
Opposed to previous examples, here we are not subscribing in our component, but pass the Observable to AsyncPipe:

In my opinion this is one of the cleanest ways to use Observables in Angular.
All you need is to create the Observables and let Angular subscribe and unsubscribe for you.

#4 takeUntil Operator

RxJS is packed with many useful operators, takeUntil is one of them.
According to its’ signarture, takeUntil accepts a notifier, which upon emission unsubscribe from the source Observable.
In our case, we would want to notify the Observable when the component destroyed, to do so we add class property called componentDestroyed$ (or any other name you would like) of type Subject<void> and use it as a notifier.
All left to do is to “notify” within ngOnDestroy, our final code will be:

Opposed to the previous “regular” way, this pattern does not introduce extra class properties with multiple subscriptions. All we need to do is add takeUntil(componentDestroyed$) and let RxJS take care of the rest.

#5 SubSink Library

SubSink is an awesome library by Ward Bell, it allows you to gracefully unsubscribe Observables within your component.

First, install SubSink by runningnpm i subsink or yarn add subsink
Next we’ll create class property of type SubSink.
SubSink comes in two flavors, an Easy Technique (using a setter) and an Array/Add Technique.

Using the Easy Technique is as simple as using the sink setter method.
Using the Array/Add Technique has the same syntax as RxJS native Subscription.add.
Creating a subscription for each of the methods, our component will look like this

#6 until-destroy Library

Note: this library behaves differently on Pre Ivy Angular, for more information visit the docs

until-destroy is one of many awesome libraries by ngneat, it uses UntilDestroy decorator to deter which properties are subscriptions and automatically unsubscribe them when the component destroyed.
We can also use its’ custom RxJS operator named untilDestroyed instead of using class properties.

To use it we only need to apply the UntilDestroy decorator to our component, and add untilDestroyed operator to Observables’ pipe:

To conclude, until-destroy is very powerful library that allows you to automatically subscribe / unsubscribe from Observables.
In addition, until-destroy has many features that are not described in this article, so don’t be shy and head to their github repo!


We’ve seen a a lot of ways and patterns to subscribe and unsubscribe from our Observables, each has it’s own pros and cons and brings a different coding style to the table.

The most important thing is, whichever pattern you choose be consistent.

