The Three Things You Need To Keep A Dream Journal

Tahlia Kalissa
2 min readMar 14, 2019


“ Anyone else keeping a dream journal? We find it useful for writing fiction.” Picture by Lee.

I am a lucid dreamer. Every dream or nightmare I have is exactly how I want it to be. My sleep could never get any better. Unless I want to remember it…

Some people immediately forget what their dreams are about or are too occupied checking Twitter for new followers. Some are trying to stay as still as possible to avoid ‘waking’ their muscles and mind. And some… …are rolling around on the floor wishing they could sleep this Saturday yet still forcing themselves to think about all the things they told themselves they’d do before lunch. I am wishing I could live in my heavenly dreams.

The first thing you need to write your dreams is willpower. If you are thinking that by the time you wrote down the appearance of the first person/thing you saw, you’d have forgotten the dream, that’s just what will happen. You need to get right up out of that bed and get a pencil and paper of some sort.

The second thing you’ll need is half-a-mind. You can’t just expect your dreams coming out like you’re some sort of amazing author. Every author has to start out with a rough draft. So do ‘dream writers’, except when you write a dream, you need a really rough draft. Eg. I had an odd dream, a very odd dream, but I was head over heels in love with the story. When I woke, I was mad and thought I’d forget it before I could write it all down. Then I told myself to shut up and wrote a very rough draft and decided to fill in the details later. Here it is:

Woman of high society stays with friend who owns hotel while on trip. Finds man in her room. Friend said he was there for... Woman, horrified friend thinks that little of her, stays at dining hall ‘till very tired. Goes to room and hopes man is gone. Man is not gone and after a long look at woman, decides this isn’t a usual customer. Starts conversation, tells of past and how he got there… etc., etc.

It’s actually quite simple. Later on, you can go back and give ‘Woman’, ‘Friend(female)’, and ‘Man’ some names! All you have to worry about is the separation of same-gender titles of the same ages(eg. ‘woman’ and ‘friend’).

The third thing you quite possibly might need(if you like a tidy room!) will be a Dream Journal. This is a little book of any sort that can house your rough drafts of your books — excuse me — dreams.

Books A Million has some great journals to offer for $20 or(most likely) less. Happy journaling!

