Upload images to InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) with simple IPFS uploader

Tadas Talaikis
2 min readAug 2, 2018


Guess what, I believe that P2P technologies are great, but it should be made simple as possible (not simpler, like Albert Einstein said) for end users. Her’s another tool that I had created when, well, building Act of Independence on Ethereum Blockchain project — IPFS Uploader.

It’s pretty simple:


Visit the tool, hit upload and that’s all you need:

Upload tool

You will get a hash of the file, which you will be able to use later.

See what you had uploaded

Wow, IPFS proves teleportation is real!

Use on your own website

It’s also pretty simple, you were given the gateway URL when seeing the picture form hash, so just use the following code in your HTML:

<img src="https://ipfs.infura.io:5001/api/v0/cat/QmQuTjzy8aZyYqYRyH7UdE5qcDXTxLFYEE9GKNhPY6D6K1">

NOTE. It hosts images on Infura servers, so there is probably no guarantee those uploaded files will remain active if you wouldn’t ‘pin’ them yourself to your own node(s).

To pin your file to your own IPFS node:

ipfs pin add <hash>

For anyone code hungry:


