Talal Haider
3 min readOct 27, 2023
Spaghetti Eiffel Tower

A Metaphor for My First Two Weeks at Amal Academy: The Eiffel Tower of Spaghetti
I was instantly taken back to my first two weeks at Amal Academy when I saw the little spaghetti model of the Eiffel Tower. My time at Amal has been a singular and difficult experience, but it has also been immensely rewarding—just like the spaghetti tower.
I was a little anxious and excited when I first started my journey at Amal. I was anxious about the challenges that lay ahead, but I was also eager to learn new things and meet new people. But I soon found that the Amal community is really hospitable and supportive. My mentors and fellow Amal Fellows are always available to assist and encourage each other.
I discovered a lot about myself and the world around me in my first two weeks at Amal. I gained knowledge about the value of persistence, teamwork, and communication. I also gained knowledge about the significance of giving back to the community and the influence of positive thinking.
During these first two weeks, I have discovered a lot about myself, and one of the most significant things is that I am more capable than I ever imagined. Although I’ve always been a little bit of a perfectionist, Amal has taught me to accept and grow from my mistakes. I’ve also learned to have confidence in my skills and abilities.
The spaghetti Eiffel Tower serves as a constant reminder to me that anything is achievable with enough effort and hard work. It serves as a reminder that we can overcome the obstacles in our path. Similar to the spaghetti tower, our objectives may first seem impossible, but if we collaborate and break them down into smaller goals, we can accomplish anything we set our minds to.
First Things I learnt
During my first two weeks at Amal Academy, I picked up a few key lessons that shaped the program me as a whole:
Growth Mindset: The value of adopting a growth mindset was among the first things I learned. The school placed a strong emphasis on the idea that aptitude and intelligence can be enhanced by commitment and diligence. This change in perspective inspired me to rise to challenges and grow from setbacks.
Effective Communication: At the program’s outset, communication skills were given a lot of attention. I learned the value of communicating clearly and succinctly, the importance of active listening, and the potency of powerful storytelling.
Networking: I soon came to the conclusion that developing a robust professional network is crucial for both career and personal advancement. I found the academy’s opportunities to network with peers, mentors, and business professionals to be extremely beneficial.
Goal Setting: Another essential idea I learned was goal setting, or creating precise, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) objectives. I was able to track my development and maintain motivation as I went.
Findings Regarding Myself
I discovered a few sides of myself during my first two weeks at Amal Academy that had previously been underdeveloped or hidden:
Resilience: I saw a renewed sense of resilience in myself. By taking on new challenges and pushing myself beyond my comfort zone, I have come to realize that I am more capable and adaptive than I had previously thought.
Leadership Potential: It has come to my attention that I possess leadership potential. I was inspired by the program to take the initiative, facilitate conversations, and work well with others.
During my first two weeks at Amal Academy, I had an enlightening and life-changing experience. The journey’s peculiar emblem, the spaghetti Eiffel Tower, stands for the originality and unpredictable nature of this educational experience. It served as a reminder that taking risks and embracing the unusual are frequently the paths to personal development. I gained useful skills, a growth mindset, and a clearer grasp of my own potential during the first two weeks.