Alan Rochin
9 min readJun 14, 2022


The Fall Of Communism And Where It Began

The Fall Of Communism And Where It Began

The Fall Of Communism And Where It Began

The rise and fall of the USSR were what would be the turning points in Russia’s history. Causing the disintegration forming what is now known to be the Russian Federation .A change in Russia’s dominance in Euro-Asia equated to be the split with former states which agreed to be sovereign from one another for their independence. Keeping up from each other ,a manageable economic decline .Resulting in an order of cooperation between them for business trade and reform. As Russia pushed forth through the east military . Their economy would turn into a period of stagnation and cause much– dissolution that would lead people to give in to separatism . As violence and protest and revolution would arise.Due to the cost of reforming freedom before and after war and revolution .Leaving the leaders of the soviet union and the tsars to prepare the actions it needed to manage for its centralized power from diminishing .In the moments of war and during the revolutions , notable presidents made these decisions along with other government figures.

Before world war 1 during ww1 after ww1 during ww1

After World War 2 Joseph Stalin made the decisions in Eastern Germany to put the Soviet Union in a stance were dominance through its military complex was the rise to…



Alan Rochin

I am an avid Journalist from Las Vegas NV I have been writing for about 2 years and have favored writing about politics since age 28