European Digital Identity: Talao Announces Professional Credential Solution

3 min readJul 27, 2021


Talao’s team is excited to announce the development of the first Decentralized Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) solution built on the Tezos blockchain for the Human Resources industry. The digital wallet created by Talao will enable companies to issue verifiable professional credentials and for employees to store work history and other personal data.

Talao’s solution follows the European self-sovereign identity framework (ESSIF) recommendations to comply with the future EU Digital Identity toolbox. It is based on the Self Sovereign Identity model (SSI) and W3C standards for Verifiable Credentials and Decentralized Identity (DID). It is powered by the Spruce Credible open source SDK, the first SSI wallet to use the Tezos blockchain as a register for its identifiers (DID). Credible uses an implementation of the Presentation Request Specifications of the W3C, which allows the exchange of credentials between SSIs.

Use case for the Talao credential wallet include:

  • Job seekers share their career records without multiple background checks and verification overhead and value their work experiences as certified credentials,
  • Companies reduce resume fraud and accelerate the recruitment of the best talent,
  • Freelancers prove their identity, skills and credentials when joining gig platforms, enabling frictionless onboarding. Platforms benefit from reducing fraud without collecting sensitive user data,
  • Companies and workers benefit from passwordless authentication, reducing the risks of stolen data and reuse of this data to compromise access to enterprise or talent assets.

Our COO, Thierry Thévenet, explains the rationale behind this new development: “The Europe Digital Identity strategy is clear, companies will soon interact through Digital Identity Wallets with their employee and non-employee workforce. These applications will provide authentication, credentials exchange, messaging or documents signature. By building on Tezos and collaborating with Nomadic Labs and Spruce we aim to contribute to the decentralized infrastructure for the future of work. An infrastructure where privacy, security, simplicity and verified data are the norms.”

Oana Ladret-Piciorus, Managing Director at Nomadic Labs, specialist of Tezos blockchain concludes, “We are excited to see Talao’s professional credential wallet facilitate individuals’ control over their identity and professional data. Congratulations to Talao’s for creating a fully open-source wallet compatible with the standard adopted by the EU for Digital Identity.”

The use of a fully decentralized wallet based on a public blockchain like Tezos offers unique advantages. The blockchain architecture gives users complete control over which aspects of their identity, data and certificates they share with third parties. The wallet provides a transparent history of shared data and allows users to track who shared what data and when.

The application will be available on Google Play Store and Apple App Store on the 15th of September. The full code will be released under MIT open source licence.

Beta access is available upon request at for companies wanting to experience blockchain in the HR context and to anticipate the deployment of the European Digital Identity framework proposed by the European Commission.

