Top 4 reasons for not eating junk food after 32 hours of research

Talha Talat
3 min readJun 1, 2022


Fast food a hazard to people

•What are the reasons for junk food being unhealthy?

Firstly, let us talk about what were the reasons which became the cause of the rising of the question that why is Fast Food called unhealthy reason is just simple and that is the things that are added to it are unhealthy. Some of the junk foods are listed below:

  • cakes and biscuits
  • fast foods ( hot chips, burgers and pizzas)
  • chocolate and sweets
  • processed meat (such as bacon)
  • snacks (such as chips)
  • sugary drinks (such as sports, energy and soft drinks)
  • alcoholic drinks
  • You might be thinking that why should we not have junk food too after? because there is a reason behind it. As

1- Quality of food:

The root of all the arising complications about junk food being not healthy is that different countries have different quality of food. The best places for eating food without worrying about your health are Ireland, Austria, Finland, and the USA according to the food index

2- Places for cooking food:

It’s simple even if the food is of good quality but the place where it is being cooked is not cleaned well and not made germs free or the workers that are working there are not putting proper equipment so that germs can’t get in the food is causing many problems for people.

3- Use of dangerous substances:

Nowadays people are using dangerous methods to make meat look more fresh and clean. It might look good from the outside but is very dangerous from the inside. Processes like Chlorine bath, passing meat through ammonia which might be looking good from the viewer’s point of view, but is slowly killing you from inside by making your digestive system weaker day by day.

•Are they still using it?

You might be thinking that are they still using such things? Or why isn’t the news telling us about it? Then don’t worry we got you covered.

Recently news was posted which tells that the burger we eat is sometimes not made up of good materials.

CNN also posted the news in which they revealed that even the wrappers that most of our food comes in contain dangerous substances. Famous restaurants like Burger King and some others also use such wrappers.

