After a complete career change, Phoebe becomes an expert in ReactJS đź’»

“The support and advice that Aneeta offered me made my whole recruitment experience a pleasure”
4 min readMay 29, 2019
Aneeta (left) met Phoebe for lunch in Central London

Congrats Phoebe on your recent position with Infinity Works đź‘Ź! Thanks for meeting with us today to tell us all about how the process unfolded with

Can you give us a quick background about yourself and how you got to where you are now?

It’s great to finally meet you guys! I was originally working in an Operations role in the Property industry. For me to succeed in that role, I was continually in contact with the company’s software developers as they released bug fixes and features. I soon realised that I wanted to be part of that side of the business.

My role simply wasn’t intellectually challenging, so I started to teach myself the basics of HTML and CSS, before choosing JavaScript as the language I wanted to focus on.

However, I really took things to the next level when I joined the Constructor Labs’JavaScript Bootcamp, run by a top software developer, Dimitri Grabov. I learned how to code well and network with some fantastic people in the industry!

That’s great! 🚀 How did you come across

I had heard of sponsoring a number of London-based conferences and making appearances at large events such as London Tech Week. However, I actually came in contact with Aneeta from when I updated my LinkedIn Profile with JavaScript and Python technologies that I was coding in. I replied to Aneeta’s friendly message, my Talent Advocate and point of contact throughout the whole process, as it looked like was really willing to help me find my first job in the industry.

What were you expecting from upon sign up?

Well, I definitely wasn’t expecting Aneeta to be as supportive as she was.

I was given help at every stage of the recruitment process and was regularly checked up on to see how I was finding things.

My new company, Infinity Works, has an internal recruiter, so I was being supported on both sides, which made the whole process great for me.

Did you try any other solutions to find a new job?

I looked mainly at online job boards and even sent off a few applications, but didn’t hear back from any. I found it quite frustrating how job boards were not updated with the latest information and hadn’t removed old jobs.

“When comparing job boards to your platform, was very slick.”

Whilst I wasn’t contacted by loads of companies, the ones who did contact me were very relevant as we shared an interest in the same tech stacks and ambitions for the future.

Let’s talk more about the offers.

I had calls from 3 companies on the platform. While the offers were all great, the best by far was Infinity Works!

I had an initial call with them on a Friday where we discussed the usual background information. By Monday, I was invited to an interview for Friday that week. I received a call from both’s Aneeta and Infinity Work’s internal recruiter and on the same day of the interview to say I had received a job offer. It was fast, efficient and supportive.

“The whole process was really organised!”

What was the job offer? And how’s it going so far at Infinity Works?

My official job title is “Associate Consultant” but I am a Full Stack Developer on my current project. Whilst I am part of Infinity Works, this project I am working on is for “Sainsbury’s Online Groceries” based at the Sainsbury’s offices. We are mainly focused on moving UI to a ReactJS app.

It is ideal for me that I am working using ReactJS, a Front End JavaScript framework! Whilst I love to code in any language both on the Front End and the Back End, it is Front End development that is the most exciting to me at the moment, especially ReactJS. I love being able to see visual changes to an app when writing code.

And how’s it going so far at Infinity Works?

It’s going great! I am really enjoying this project with Sainsbury’s and they have a really diverse team which allows me to meet lots of people. I will also have the chance to go onto other projects in the near future, which is very exciting.

A huge perk of the job is that we can have one day every now and again to learn outside of the project we are working on, this is something I find really motivating. I usually spend this time focusing on something related to my current project to try and get ahead. I have the choice to work at Infinity Works’ offices or remotely, but either way, I can always contact my project mentor to help me with any questions that emerge from my personal study.

It sounds like a great fit! One last question, what’s your favourite thing about

My favourite thing would have to be the support that I was given and advice from Aneeta! The internal recruiter at infinity works really helped the smooth process as well.

Thanks again for meeting with us Phoebe, it has been a pleasure to hear how you changed your career and how helped you find a great job! 🚀

