How To Create Muscle Memory In Programming?

2 min readJul 1, 2018


Muscle Memory Programming

Ever wondered how you type your email password so fast, locate the correct key as you play the keyboard casually without much effort and drive home through the roads correctly taking the turns without much attention? It is the ‘Muscle memory’, that works in the background making life easier for all of us!

What is ‘Muscle memory’?

Muscle memory’ stays in close touch with ‘Procedural memory’, a method that is responsible for imbibing memory in the brain by repeating an action continuously over a long period of time. In this article, we are going to look, how to bring in ‘Muscle memory programming’ for the developer folks!

Keep up the habit of practicing:

Practicing programming repetitively every day is the right key in accelerating oneself towards betterment. Coding and debugging on a continuous loop, one complementing the other, is the ideal learning method. Based on micro-study results, we come to infer that, students who left a gap of 72 hours (3 days) while studying, are more likely to have a ‘learning gap’ i.e., they have higher chances of not retaining the knowledge they have gained. So, it is strongly recommended that students keep up consistent learning. It is always advisable to learn at least one new concept every 3 days and keep refreshing on the other concepts learned so far in the time period. For example, if you pick up to learn about Keras, keep updating yourself about Keras through books or internet continuously every 3 days.

Be curious:

Always and always, be skeptical about what you learned! Ask questions. Find answers. Keep feeding your brain with valuable input! Have regular catch-ups with colleagues/peers to discuss your progress and theirs and grow simultaneously. Have intellectually stimulating conversations by questioning each other and pondering for the answers. Also, engage in real time challenges like Kaggle, TalentAccurate that expand your knowledge horizon and making your analyzing skills stronger by exposing you to newer challenges.

Inculcate the practice of self-setting deadlines to be on schedule and self-monitor your own progress. Become a pro in programming and kill it with success!




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