Borderless Reach & Infinite visibility

3 min readSep 20, 2018


When Anaximander, a pre-Socratic Greek philosopher who lived in Miletus recorded the idea of INFINITE, little did he know about the implications and fascinations the idea of it will bring with evolution. With unlimited progress being made in every field, industries and organizations now aim for limitless reach. So, can we really dream of a borderless world? Will it transform into reality?

To answer the above questions, we need to delve deeper. Humans divided the world into smaller units so that they can better manage it. But as the intellectual level of human beings and technology improved over the years, so did the concept of a world with borderless reach. It did not seem utopian or farfetched anymore.

‘Go Global’ is the trend almost everywhere but holds real significance in few industries especially the Education sector. Every renowned institution is aiming to go global and blur the borders previously eminent. International students now form a major chunk of any university student base. But there are numerous pitfalls the institutions face while attracting foreign talent. The major among these are the mushrooming of degree mills (fake institutes) who pose as real universities and trap unsuspecting students to its lair. The ease and penetration of internet has aggravated the problem. Not only student’s lose money and receive fraudulent degrees, but the real university stands to lose its credibility in the wake of these impostors trading in their name. In the long-term this fear results in a gradual reduction of the international student strength in institutes.

With Talentchain we aim to create a platform for all students, corporates, institutes in such a transparent and secured manner that from students to universities to organizations, everyone will be able to tap into the unlimited possibilities offered by it.

Universities will be able to upload Accreditation Certificates, Registration documents, videos and store them on Blockchain, thereby creating a trusted institute dossier. Prospective students and guardians will be able to view and verify Blockchain verified institutes. With the trusted provenance of educational institutes being created, this would result in an automatic brand perpetuity and pave path for the institute’s borderless reach.

Eligibility of students for admission can be cross-checked by verifying against the Blockchain Verified certificates and mark-sheets by the University admission cell. A win-win situation will result where student can place trust on The University’s veracity and vis-a vis universities can be sure of enrolling genuine candidates. Thus, a smooth, transparent and secured admission process would ensue. Students will now live the dream of being able to study abroad from prestigious universities without being duped by unscrupulous agents and intermediaries.

Even corporates will easily be able to verify the claims of a prospective job-seekers and leave behind the fear of making bad hires. Using Talentchain, we thus will create a truly borderless world with infinite visibility for the education and verification industry.

About the Author:

Moutan Lahiri, editor for Talentchain’s thought leadership blogs, has been actively consulting global customers on Blockchain technologies. She is also been part of the product strategy team at Talentchain. She has been a technologist with 11 years of implementation experience working for global giants like PwC and Mindtree.





Powered by Blockchain and AI, TalentChain is a unique presentation of knowledge assets, securely verifiable across various stakeholders.