#1. Carmen’s story: Her very own coffee bar

For the last four years, I have been setting up projects that expose and improve the skills of local artists. These artists are becoming a peculiar kind of entrepreneurs, more often that you’d suspect. And vice versa: Young entrepreneurs are getting to know their creative side. #trending: This is where the future’s heading at. It could be a lovely future by the way!

Once I came to realize this I tried to figure out how I was to be of any help. Alea iacta est. This is going to be my roll: I will find the ideal place for both young entrepreneurs and artists (and everyone in between these strict typographies) for them to create amazing places together… With combined forces they will be able to explore ideas, simply poor out coffee together, experience life,… depending on whatever ideas rise to the surface. And I need to say: Everything’s possible in Ghent. Let’s get some inspiration out of stories that have already started here.

Carmen’s story (because that’s what you’re reading into now) is the perfect source of inspiration for everyone who wants to realize a dream. I’ve asked her to tell us all about her up and running coffee bar. Enjoy!

What was your career plan when you were little?
I didn’t dream about becoming anything in particular. Even when I started to work as an ergo therapist I didn’t experience the need to be an entrepreneur yet.

When did you feel that need?
When I started working at a coffee place I realized that I enjoyed the rush and the contact with people. By working closely with the owners I got to see what the life of an entrepreneur looked like. In combination with my love for coffee my eyes opened up for the dream I soon started pursuing…

Every day I enter my own bar is a wonderful moment and that makes me intensely happy.

When did it all get ‘real’?
When I arrived at the Ottogracht, a place that was for rent, everything just fell into place. The place and the landlady (it’s all about people in life) were a perfect match for my concept. And of course the financial cards where right just about right at a certain moment. You can’t rule that aspect out. Then I just took the leap!

Which moments on the path to realizing your dream do you cherish the most?
The opening night of Carmen on October 7th is a night I will never forget. This was all together the most beautiful, stressful and unreal moment of my life. It was like I wasn’t really there. Realizing a dream seems so surreal, but it looks like I really did it. I have to keep reminding myself. Every day I enter my own bar is a wonderful moment and it makes me intensely happy again and again.

What are you proud of?
Set aside it’s only the beginning of my own business I’m proud that it’s growing day by day, week by week, month by month. Also that I’m motivated and want to excel every day. Most of all: I’m at my proudest when customers leave with a smile on their face. It’s a lovely feeling.

What would you have done differently?
I could have worked out the financial stuff better. But then again, isn’t it normal to come across surprises all the time? It’s who I am. I grab opportunities. Also, I have learned to deal with negative and tough stuff in an instant. I dialed down on the procrastination: I confront myself with harder topics and deal with them in a constructive way now.

Being an entrepreneur is like being on a rollercoaster but it’s the most exciting one I’ve ever been on!

Is there someone that made your story possible? Who would you like to thank the most?
It’s impossible to attribute this story of success to someone in particular. I’ve been lucky enough to get onto a rollercoaster where my concept, my enthusiasm, the location, my incredibly helpful environment,… made the scenery that was flashing before my eyes and mind. They were all like pieces of a puzzle. I can’t believe how much support both mentally and physically I got from other people. And they’re still there!

Do you have any tips for people that are also thinking about realizing their dream?
I can say all the cliches about starting a business are true. Luckily people learn and share them: Just make sure you start off with a mindset of passion and will to strive. Don’t postpone fixing the tough stuff, be flexible and fierce, and make sure you have people to share your laughs and tears with. I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again: Being an entrepreneur is like being on a rollercoaster but it’s the most exciting one I’ve ever been on!

Thanks for reading! Do you have a story, or a simple idea? Tell me via story.talentgrid.co. Maybe I can help! Sincerely, Nathalie



Talent Grid — about the talents

Read the tales of Talent Grid captured on the streets of Ghent (BE), a wonderful city of many ideas. We give them space to flourish.