Bitcoin/Cryptocurrencies, Should I invest or NOT?

Talenthon ICO
2 min readMay 21, 2018


Lot of people call cryptocurrency a SCAM, Is it really a SCAM

If you are looking for a quick answer to above question then let me tell you that my stance on this question is that “all cryptocurrencies are NOT A SCAM”. There are many genuine cryptocurrencies like “Talent Coin”, “Ether”, “Ripple” which have a great business model behind them and which could disrupt the way business is carried out in future

I can assure you that Internet would soon be replaced by “Internet of Value”

When share market started trading at +10x value of the companies, people were sceptical about it. When Forex was traded, people were sceptical about it, Now more than $5 Trillion is exchanged everyday in trades of FIAT currencies. This new market of cryptocurrency trading brings a fresh and lucrative opportunity for all the traders to earn higher profits when the market is going up & earn better even when the market is going down as the percentage of gains and losses is really high as compared to the share market and so in future lot of traders would like to trade in this market leaving share market.

We know picking up your favourite cryptocurrency among hundreds of currencies is very hard and we believe that the currency we have to offer might appeal you for the following reasons.

Here is why we believe buying “Talent Coin” cryptocurrency makes sense:

  • It’s very underhyped & undervalued at the moment
  • It has very strong, experienced & honest management
  • It has unique & powerful product
  • It addresses fundamental problem of a huge industry
  • The product can be easily scaled globally
  • The product is needed in almost all people working making “Talent Coins” scares very soon

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