The Girl in the Mirror – Part 3

Tales Of Tea
Erotic Tales
Published in
9 min readJun 14, 2023
Photo by Nikita Shirokov on Unsplash

Gradually I became aware of my surroundings. Waking from my slumber, I felt both refreshed and well rested. Judging by the dim light coming from a gap in the curtains it was early morning. I had been sleeping on my stomach and now I pulled myself up onto my knees, stretching my arms forward and poking my ass into the air like a cat waking from a nap. I felt amazing. My body felt revitalised and rejuvenated, which made no sense at all. I had been frantically masturbating until well past midnight last night and it was definitely no later than six o’clock this morning.

By all rights I should have woken up feeling groggy and headachy with a vag that felt like it had been rubbed against a bench sander. Let’s face it, I’d been frigging it that hard.

But no, I felt incredible. I practically bounced out of bed and strode confidently into my bathroom. I got the water running and then stood beside the shower waiting for it to warm up. As I waited my hand drifted down between my legs. I wanted to confirm that there were no tender bits. Still unable to believe that I felt so good. But my skin was soft and smooth… Completely smooth… I gave a small gasp as I realised what I was feeling. Bending at the waist I stared down between my legs. My pussy stared back at me, completely bald.

“What the fuck?”

I stroked the soft flesh on either side of my lips, confirming what my eyes were seeing. There was not a single hair on my snatch. My pussy was now completely bald, just as my reflections had been. Immediately I started to examine the rest of my body, looking for any changes. I hefted my breasts in my hands and weighed them thoughtfully. Perhaps they were a little larger, but I couldn’t be sure. I took a few steps and stopped in front of my makeup mirror. It was only the size of an A4 sheet, but it was still big enough for me to see my whole face. I stared intently at my reflection, the face looking back at me was not the beautiful apparition who appeared in my other mirror. But neither was it my face. It looked like someone had lightly airbrushed me. My cheeks looked slightly rosier, my lips a tad fuller. Looking at my hair I could see that it had greater body and volume than before. As I turned my head I even caught the occasional hint of gold among my dark lochs. “Who knew masturbation was so good for ones complexion?” I thought.

After another few moments of vanity I suddenly came back to earth as I realised that the shower was still running and was now plenty hot enough.

Thirty minutes later I emerged from the bathroom with my hair and makeup done, but still naked. Now it was time for the real challenge. I raced past the end of my bed, deliberately facing away from the mirror as I tried to get to my closet. I could feel the pull of the mirror trying to draw me towards it in the same way that a magnet draws in a piece of metal. As I hastily dressed I could still feel the gentle pull of the mirror drawing me downstream like the subtle undercurrent of a river.

Speaking of rivers, one seemed to have appeared between my legs. The longer I took to get dressed, the hornier I got. I’d managed to get my bra and top on but I knew I was running out of time before my day turned into an all out masturbation session. There was no time for panties, I pulled my skirt up, grabbed my shoes and ran back past the mirror.

I grabbed my keys and purse off the bench before racing out the door. I slammed the door behind me, then lent with my back against the adjacent wall. My chest was heaving as I fought against the mirrors pull. Trying to calm myself i carefully tucked my shirt into my skirt before pulling my pocket mirror out of my purse. By the time I had checked my hair and makeup and finished straightening my clothes, my breathing had returned to normal and the pull of the mirror had reduced down to the strength of a single thread pulling at my sleeve. Unfortunately the one thing that hadn’t reduced was my arousal. I didn’t need to race back to the mirror but boy was I ready to fuck. The postman? My neighbour? My fingers? It didn’t matter right now, as long as it was mildly phallic shaped. I raced down the hallway to the elevator. Maybe if I got further away from the mirror my arousal might dissipate. I pressed the button and waited for the elevator to reach my floor. As I stood there I could feel a touch of moisture gliding down my thigh.

“Holy shit!”

I had forgotten I was commando. As if I wasn’t horny enough already, this just kicked things up another notch. I felt the moisture spreading between my thighs.


The elevator doors opened. I stared in at the young man who already occupied the lift. He smiled at me and stepped to the side to make space for me beside him. He had short blonde hair and light blue eyes and as I looked at him all I wanted to do was bury his face between my legs. With the greatest of efforts I stepped in beside him and waited as the door closed.

I’m sure my cheeks were flushed red and I was practically panting like a bitch in heat as we stood side by side on our slow decent. I don’t know if humans give off pheromones but I if we do then I certainly was.

After what felt like an agonisingly long time we finally reached the bottom. Somehow I managed to refrain from touching him and we stepped out into an empty foyer. I stepped to the side and pretended to play with my phone as he left. I pondered my current situation. I was so fucking horny! I needed to get off now! There was no way I’d make it through an entire bus trip let alone even to the bus without embarrassing myself. I cast my eyes around the room searching desperately as I tried to think of a solution. My gaze settled on the door to the fire escape.

“Fuck it!” I gasped under my breath.

I hurried across the foyer and pulled the door open. Quickly I stepped inside and surveyed my surroundings. I was standing beside a set of concrete steps that went up to a landing in between floors. From there another set of steps came back in the opposite direction, finishing above my head at the first floor. I stepped to the centre of the room and looked up through the space between the flights of stairs. I could see all the way to the sixth floor. There was no sign of anyone using the stairs and I was confident that if they did I’d be able to hear them coming. Besides these stairs were practically never used.

I stepped back to the door.

“Fuck it!”

I peeled my skirt up to my midriff, completely exposing my bare ass and pussy. Immediately my hand found its way between my legs, stroking my soft folds. In moments my fingers were slick with my arousal. Carefully I squatted behind the door, widening my stance so that my pussy was just hovering a few inches above the cold concrete floor. The door had a large air vent built into the bottom half of it. With my other hand I gently pulled at a couple of the slats. They flexed just enough that I could peak through. Squinting, I was able to just make out the elevator and the empty foyer. Perfect. Satisfied that I would be forewarned of anyone approaching from either direction, my hand went to work. My fingers went immediately to my wet opening and in a moment I had two of them buried deep within my snatch.

“Ooooh.” I let out a low moan of satisfaction.

My fingers curled inside me, reaching towards that special spot and I gave another low moan. My hips rocked forward involuntarily as if willing my fingers to go deeper.

Finding my mark, my fingers went to work curling and stroking while my palm massaged my mons.

“Ooooh fuck.” I muttered hoarsely. I could already feel my orgasm building.


A surge of adrenaline coursed through my body as I heard the elevator sound from across the foyer.

I clenched my teeth holding in my next moan. Then the doors slid open. I recognised one of my neighbours immediately. He was a short, middle aged Italian man who lived three doors down from me. He was a nice man who shared an unfortunate likeness with Danny DeVito and I recalled now that he was due to be moving out today. He had two young men and a young women with him who I assumed were his adult kids. Behind them the elevator was stacked high with furniture and boxes.

I couldn’t help but get a certain thrill as I watched them begin to unload the elevator. It felt so naughty, that I was mere meters away, feverishly masturbating. I fought to keep the sounds of my heavy breathing down as my fingers strummed away inside me, playing my pussy as if it were a guitar and the audience had just called for a solo!

My orgasm grew closer and as I watched one of the young men slipped, dropping one of the boxes. The sound of glass breaking filled the foyer and my neighbour turned from his position, where he had been holding the elevator open while the others unloaded. Immediately he let rip with a loud burst of Italian. Now I don’t speak Italian but I got the impression he wasn’t handing out compliments. His son immediately responded equally as loudly and aggressively, as is the Italian way. He gestured wildly with his hands for extra emphasis. This seemed to trigger an all out war of words as his siblings became embroiled in the argument.

The whole situation had taken on such a bizarre quality and it certainly made me pause and wonder how did I get here?

Squatting in a fire escape furiously masturbating while I watch a live version of some Italian soap opera.

I didn’t have much more time to ponder though. My orgasm was close and it was approaching now at light speed. I had been so distracted that it took me by surprise.

“Ooooooohh…. Ahhh fuuuuccc…” My free hand left the vent, clamping across my mouth. I felt the muscles of my pussy contract around my busy fingers. Then it hit me like a bolt of lightning. My back arched, throwing my head back as my eyes rolled back into my head. I felt a flood of moisture flowing around my hand. I collapsed against the fire escape door, my hips still humping the air as I rode out the last few aftershocks of my orgasm.

After a few seconds my body relaxed and I felt myself coming back to earth. My mind cleared as if a light breeze had blown away the fog of my arousal. I gave a sigh of satisfaction and gently extricated my fingers from my sopping snatch.


I swear my heart skipped a beat. I jumped bolt upright and turned to face the source of the polite cough.

Staring back at me was a young couple who looked to be about mid twenties, a similar age to myself. The man was quite handsome with dark hair and bright blue eyes. The girl behind him was pretty if not a little plain. Her hair was a short blonde bob while her blue eyes were as wide as saucers.

Both of them looked at me completely stunned, their mouths hanging open. As I followed their gaze I realised that both of them were staring at the engorged lips of my bald twat.

Frantically I pulled my skirt down. Hurriedly I grabbed my things off the floor and raced through the door.

“Sorry!” I called over my shoulder as I walked briskly through the chaos of an all out Italian family feud. I didn’t even hear or see them, I just glided past, oblivious. I was so embarrassed I just wanted the ground to swallow me up. Once I was outside I began to jog across the carpark towards the bus stop. Swaying from side to side as I tried to negotiate my post orgasm jelly legs.



Tales Of Tea
Erotic Tales

I write erotic short stories, generally centred around exhibitionism, voyeurism, masturbation and romance. I hope you will identify with and enjoy them.