The Girl in the Mirror – Part 4

Tales Of Tea
Erotic Tales
Published in
20 min readAug 4, 2023


By the time I sat down on the bus I was practically shaking with anxiety. I couldn’t believe what had just happened. I couldn’t believe what I had just done. I cast my eyes around the bus guiltily, checking that none of the other passengers where staring at me. None of them were. Of course they weren’t, they didn’t know I’d just been caught masturbating in a stairwell. But my guilt was overwhelming, it felt like I had a spotlight shining down on me and a big banner above my head that said ”Public Masturbator.”

I looked around the bus again, still no one took any notice of me. Slowly my breathing began to return to normal and my heart rate slowed so that it was no longer trying to beat out of my chest. Feeling a little better I cast my mind back to my time in the fire escape. I couldn’t believe what I had done. To think a few days ago I had barely ever masturbated. Today I not only masturbated, but I did it in public. And I got caught! I couldn’t help picturing the shocked looks on their faces. Their eyes wide, mouths open. The way they had both gawked at my bald, engorged pussy. I couldn’t help it, the more I thought about it, the less I cared about being caught and the more aroused I felt. I wondered how long they had been behind me watching. Had they just arrived or had they been silently watching me diddle myself. I felt strangely confident as I reminisced, even powerful. I had rendered two people completely speechless and I was sure that I would be all that either of them could think about for the rest of the day.

Now believe it or not I actually arrived at work twenty minutes early. I was back to feeling the same way I had when I woke up, energised and invigorated. I strode confidently into the office before sitting down at my desk. Immediately Cassie rolled into my cubicle, ready for our daily dose of gossip. I turned and greeted her with a smile. She smiled at me but then gave a small frown as she stared at my face.

“You look different today Lexi, are you sure you haven’t done anything new?”

“No hun, it’s just the same old me. Why? What looks different?” I asked.

“I’m not sure you just seem to have a certain glow.” Replied Cassie uncertainly. She paused as if she was going to say something, but instead she fell silent. I knew what she wanted to say. “Lexi you look more beautiful than normal. You look hot and have your boobs gotten bigger?” Thankfully she stayed quiet as I don’t know how I would have responded if she did.

“Are you doing anything after work tonight?” I asked, trying to change the subject.

“No I’m free.” Replied Cassie.

I opened my mouth to reply but I was cut off before I could even utter a word.

“What’s going on here ladies?”

Mr Benson stood at the entry to my cubicle.

“Now ladies, you aren’t being paid to sit around and chat all day!” He paused for a moment to stroke his dark moustache in what I assume was an attempt to intimidate us. In truth he was giving off strong John Cleese vibes as he stood a little straighter to deliver his next line.

“I want the Jefferson report on my office first thing tomorrow.” Cassie and I looked at him stunned. That report wasn’t due until Friday. We would need to work through the night to get it done and even then it was unlikely that we’d succeed in finishing it.

“Don’t think you can give me some weak excuse, because I won’t be having it. You two need to spend less time gossiping and more time working.”

He stared down at us with a condescending smirk.

My legs seemed to act of their own volition and I realised I had stood up. It didn’t gain me any authority though as I stood half a foot shorter than Mr Benson. Staring up at his stupid bald head I felt the anger building up inside me and before I knew it I was speaking.

“Well first things first Mr Benson. If you check your watch you’ll find that the time is currently 7:50 a.m. As our work day starts at eight we are currently free to do whatever we damn well please. Secondly, we will not be completely that report until the day that it is due. Which is Friday. As far as I’m concerned you can stick that idea up your jumper. Cassie and I will be leaving work at 5:00 p.m this afternoon and as of 5:01p.m we will be drinking daiquiris at the bar across the road and laughing at your stupid head.”

I spoke clearly and confidently, but inside I felt like I was made of jelly.

I stared at Mr Benson as my tirade came to an end. His cheeks had turned bright red. His lips pursed together in anger and his cheeks inflated as he prepared to unleash. I swear for a second I saw literal steam escape from his ears.

I braced for an outburst, but it never came. Mr Bensons face twisted in anger and finally his mouth opened.

“Very well. You ladies have a nice evening.”

Then he turned on his heal and stormed away walking briskly.

Cassie looked at me in shock. Her eyes were like saucers and I had to stop myself from laughing as it reminded me of the look the young couple had given me in the fire escape this morning.

“What?” I gave a small grin and shrugged my shoulders as if nothing unusual had happened.

“What? What, she says.” Cassie gestured as if she were talking to someone else in the cubicle. Then she looked straight at me.

“How about what the fuck just happened?”

I grinned back at her and shrugged again.

– — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – —

At 5:00 p.m we exited the building and crossed the street, walking into our local bar “Clancys”. It was a nice pub with a large u-shaped bar in its centre. There were timber booths running along the outside walls with red leather upholstery. There was a large open area at one end with a few pool tables. It was a nice pub with good food and good vibes. They also didn’t have the music up ridiculously loud so you could enjoy a few post work beverages without having to send yourself hoarse.

I stepped to the bar and ordered us two mango daiquiris. I grinned at Cassie.

“My shout.”

I couldn’t afford it. The way rent kept climbing my money was heading south fast. I swiped my credit card and handed a daiquiri to Cassie. Eh, that was a future me problem.

The bar was relatively quiet as it was a Tuesday afternoon which meant Cassie and I managed to grab a large empty corner booth.

“So did you hear Maria from accounts is pregnant?” Exclaimed Cassie as we sat down. I shook my head at her looking surprised. “Apparently she doesn’t know who the father is,” continued Cassie looking scandalised.

“No way!” I replied.

Our conversation continued on from there, flowing naturally from topic to topic as conversations so often seem to do with good friends. This was always the way with Cassie, though tonight there was a subtle undercurrent of things unsaid. I knew there were things she wanted to ask me and there were definitely things I wanted to tell her, but neither of us could muster up the courage to start the conversation.

I bought us two more rounds of daiquiris and each time Cassie tried to pay for them. But each time I insisted on paying. I knew she could no more afford this extravagance than I could. And I felt almost as if I should pay. After all, while I didn’t have any more money than her, I had a magic mirror that was making me more beautiful by the day and all I had to do was masturbate in front of it.

I studied Cassie as we spoke. She has the sort of face most people would describe as pretty. She has long blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She’s taller than me by about three inches but her body has always had a little less curve than mine. Her breasts were tiny, barely an A-cup. She was extremely sensitive about them and I suspected that my growing bust was probably the biggest reason for her recent discomfort, given that I had dissuaded her from getting a boob job not six months ago.

While Cassie was no supermodel, she did have one redeeming attribute. Her tongue was particularly long, like – Gene Simmons eat your heart out – long and by all accounts she knew how to use it. At least if the drunken ramblings of her previous boyfriend were to be believed. Honestly I’ve never heard anyone wax lyrical for so long about a blow job.

Finally as the bottoms of our third daiquiris drew close, Cassie looked up at me, fixing me with a serious look.

“What’s up with you lately Lexi?”

I tried to look cool and casual as I replied.

“Nothing, just the same old me. What do you mean?”

She saw straight through my bravado, giving me a withering look.

“Come on Lexi. You were late for work yesterday, today you gave Benson an absolute serve and to be honest there’s just something different about you. You look… I dunno hotter..? For want of a better word.”

I gave a small chuckle, shaking my head. I leaned into the middle of the table conspiratorially and motioned for Cassie to lean in too. When she complied I paused for a second trying to find the words. Then I looked up into her eyes.

“Ah, Cassie, do you… Um… Do you masturbate?” My voice finished as a whisper.

“Oh my god Lexi! I can’t believe you just asked me that!” She leant back in her seat glancing around the room while she avoided making eye contact. “I am not talking about this with you.”

I leant back in my seat, smirking at her.

“Well that wasn’t a no so it must be a yes.”

Cassie looked at me scandalised. “Lexi I am not talking about this with you.”

“Yeah that’s definitely a yes,” I said, grinning at her. “So how often do you ah… Masturbate?” This time the pause was deliberate as I derived enjoyment from watching her squirm.

“Lexi! I’m not telling you that. I mean, no I don’t!” I just cocked an eyebrow and stared at her, watching her fidget uncomfortably, waiting for her to give in.

Eventually she did, speaking quietly as she looked down at the table.

“I dunno, once every few months I guess.”

“When was the last time?” I asked.

Her cheeks reddened further as she answered. “Last week.” I waited silently and after a few moments she continued. “I dunno, every now and then I just get really horny, like I have an itch that needs to be scratched. Once I scratch it I can relax until it happens again. I used to do it more, back when I was at uni and had more free time. Now it’s more of an occasional thing.”

She stopped talking and continued to stare down at the table, blushing profusely.

“It’s okay hun. You don’t need to feel embarrassed.” I reached over and touched her arm in an attempt to comfort her. “To be honest I rarely masturbated before this week. Maybe once or twice every six months. But something changed on Monday… I got this new mirror for my apartment and when I looked at myself in it… We’ll I don’t know what happened… I just had to start touching myself. I got so turned on. And then I had the biggest orgasm of my life..!” I paused for a second deciding what to say next. Confessing all of this was making my own cheeks darken with embarrassment. It was also I realised starting to make me feel incredibly horny. “That’s why I was late on Monday.” I finished quietly.

Cassies eyes bulged as she looked at me before replying in a hushed whisper. “You… You were late on Monday because you were masturbating?”

I nodded my head slowly. “When I got home last night I did it again. And not just once. Cassie it went on for like hours. It was the most intense feeling of my life. When I woke up this morning I felt amazing and I’ve felt amazing ever since… You asked me if I had been doing anything different recently and I can tell you that is the only thing that’s changed. So… maybe you need to masturbate more.” I smirked at her and gave a nonchalant shrug.

Cassie just stared at me, slowly shaking her head. Then she grinned at me as she spoke. “Do you know who won’t be doing any masturbating soon?” She paused as I shook my head. “Maria from accounts!”

We both laughed out loud and it seemed to break the tension between us. Our conversation moved away from masturbation and we continued to chat animatedly. After one last cocktail we wrapped things up. Hugging each other goodbye out the front before heading home to our respective dwellings.

– — – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – —

Well I’m not going to lie after 5 daiquiris I was feeling pretty charged up by the time I got home. I practically strutted across the foyer to wait in front of the elevator. I was oozing confidence and sexuality. Just the thought of all the masturbating I was about to do, had me primed and ready.

The elevator gave a ding as it hit the bottom floor and who should step out but the couple from the fire escape this morning. They both stared at me in shock and embarrassment. After a couple of seconds they both seemed to recover from their surprise, averting their eyes and scurrying past me on either side.

The whole time I just kept a cool, confident smile on my face, perhaps with an added dash of cocky amusement. I stepped into the elevator and turned around watching them walk towards the exit. Reaching down with one hand I peeled the hem of my skirt up until my bare snatch was exposed.

As the couple reached the exit door they each took the opportunity to take one last furtive glance back towards me. They both paused in shock staring first at my pussy before looking up to meet my eyes. I gave a simple wink, the cocky smirk never leaving my face. As they continued to gawk the elevator doors kicked in, sliding together until I was completely obscured from view.

My smirk widened into a grin as I let my skirt fall back down, quickly punching in my floor number.

The rest of my trip was uneventful and in no time at all I was walking into my empty apartment. I yelled into the apartment as I quickly latched the door.

“Hooooney I’m hooooome!”

Drawing the words out dramatically. I wasn’t wasting any time today, I already had my top and bra off before I was even in front of the mirror.

There she was once again. I stared lustfully at my beautiful reflection and she just stared back at me with the same look of arousal in her eyes. We stayed like this for about ten seconds as I waited for her to take over. I looked down at my body, my skirt was still on and when I checked my reflection was still wearing hers. I gave her a confused look and she just smiled back at me smugly.

I waited for another ten seconds. Still nothing I was beginning to get frustrated now. I wanted her to control me, to fuck me. I wanted her to make me cum again! I was so desperately horny. Why wasn’t she taking over?

In frustration I unbuttoned my skirt and let it fall to the floor. In a slightly drunken/horny/frustrated fashion I motioned towards my pussy.

“Don’t you want this?”

My reflection just smirked right back at me mimicking my gesture towards her own perfect pussy. My frustration grew as I stared at her. I grabbed my breasts pulling them towards her.

“What about these? Don’t you want to tug on these puppies again?”

Still she smirked at me, tugging on her two perfect melons.

I turned around now parting my legs and poking my ass towards her.

“What about this? Don’t you want to fuck my holes? You can have my ass again? You can do whatever you like with me, just make me cum!”

Still she mocked me, mimicking my every action with her perfect body.

Turning, I fell to my knees, my face mere inches from my reflections.

“Please, I am yours. Please take me!”

Her smirk turned into a wide grin and I finally felt her take control of my body.

Looking down, I watched as my body turned and crawled back towards my bed. She had taken full control now, I was no more than a passenger on a plane. As I watched my hand slid beneath my bed. When it withdrew I gasped in shock. I was holding a massive dildo. It looked to be about ten inches long and thick. My god it was thick. My fingers couldn’t even touch each other as they wrapped around the shaft.

I turned now. Sitting on the carpet and reclining against my bed. I stared at my beautiful reflection and watched as she spread her legs, displaying her perfect pussy for me once again.

I stared on, mesmerised as she guided the thick, skin coloured monstrosity between her legs.

“Oooohh fuck!” I let out a gasp as the bulbous head stroked up and down against our folds. The contact broke me from some sort of reverie and I seemed to gain some sort of control back. My free hand immediately went to my breasts, tugging intermittently at each one. My reflection dragged the shaft across our lips again and i marvelled at how realistic the shaft looked and felt. The surface of the dildo was soft like skin and seemed to stretch and move like the skin of a real foreskin as she guided it once more across our wet openings.

She withdrew the dildo and I stared at her pussy. I could see a small rivulet of juice seep from between her lips before running down across her perfect rose bud.

I looked up into her eyes and she gave me that same confident smirk that she always wore. I knew what was coming and I gulped in trepidation.

Her hand guided the dildo back between our legs and once again I felt the soft head nuzzling at my lips. But this time there was more purpose about it. Instead of gliding past, the head dug in, burrowing between my folds. With a wet squelch it found my entry and breached my front door.

“Holy fuckin’ shit balls!”

I’d only taken the first inch but already it was stretching me like no cock ever had. My reflection paused, giving me a second to adjust. I exhaled loudly and felt the muscles in my pussy relaxing as I welcomed this phallic intruder. She pressed further and I welcomed another two inches into my snatch.

My reflection paused again and as I regrouped I marvelled at how realistic the dildo felt. Where other toys I had tried in past felt fake and plastic, this one felt just like real flesh. It had a certain heat to it that made me wonder if it was alive. I shook my head, dismissing the thought.

I forgot that thought immediately as my reflection fed the dildo another few inches into my pussy.

“Oooohh myyyy gooood!” My voice came out all squeaky and high pitched. Over half the cock was in me now and it was filling me more than any dick ever had before.

I stared at my reflection again as she moaned along with me, biting her lip in ecstasy. As I watched she wrapped her hand around the half of the shaft still protruding from her pussy and began to slowly withdraw it a few inches before driving it back home.


I gave a startled exclamation as she began to saw the dildo in and out of our pussies, gradually building up to longer and longer strokes. Looking down I felt like a spectator with a front row seat at the theatre as I watched over six inches of cock punching in and out of my cunt. This was a whole lot more immersive an experience though as I felt the round head drive home against my g-spot with each thrust. The hand that had been idly playing with my breasts up til this point. Now found it’s way down between my legs to tease at the soft hood of my clitoris.

“Oooh, aaaah, oh oh ooh!”

I began to pant as the hand on my clit played in perfect harmony with the one driving a cock into my pussy. I looked up at my reflection. At the fantastic, beautiful woman who seemed to know how to make my body sing. And sing it did. I could feel my orgasm rolling in like a wave about to break on the beach.

As the wave arrived I felt her drive the cock in deeper than she had before, filling me completely while her hand strummed frantically at my clit.

I gave an exclamation but my voice came out all strained and squeaky like air being squeezed from a balloon.

“Oooohh ffuuuuccckkk!! Imgooonnaaacummbitchfuuuuuuuck!!!!”

Then I erupted as all the pressure released from my body like a cork from a bottle.

My back arched and then my eyes rolled back into my head as the first wave hit me. My legs slammed together and my hips bucked. My mouth opened wide and I screamed in ecstasy as I felt a flood between my legs as my juices gushed around the dildo.


My body began to crumple in as my orgasm finished, but then the second wave hit and I felt my back arch again. My hips humped wildly and my pussy spasmed in little electric contractions. I felt myself hit the carpet as I realised I must have fallen sideways. Then another wave hit me and I continued to hump wildly, thrashing around like a fish on the deck of a ship.

Finally, my orgasms subsided and I felt all the muscles in my body relax. My hand released the dildo and I felt it glide easily from my pussy, landing with a wet plop on the carpet.

I must have passed out then because everything went black for a while. The next thing I realised I was lying naked on my bedroom floor with cum still wet between my legs.

Slowly, on shaky legs, I drew myself up. First onto all fours before rising into a standing position. I swayed slightly as I stood staring at my beautiful reflection. She stared back at me looking just as hazy and cum stunned as I felt. We took a step towards each other, and then another. I stopped an inch before the mirror, staring, eye to eye with my reflection. Her beautiful brown eyes and soft complexion stared back at me. My god she was stunning. Though now the difference between us was only minor. I could sense that I was close to possessing her beauty and power.

I don’t know what came over me next but slowly I lent in to kiss the mirror. Instead of cold glass as I was expecting, I felt warm, wet flesh. I felt the softest lips I’d ever kissed and as I paused in shock, I felt them kiss me back. I brought my hand up to stroke her face and felt her hand touch my cheek. I pressed my body forward and instead of glass I felt the firm nubs of her soft nipples rubbing against mine. I pressed my hips towards her and felt the warm skin of her navel against mine.

This whole scenario was so bizarre. I’d never been into women, I’d never experimented with one or even considered it. And then again, is it gay if you’re making out with yourself? None of these thoughts entered my mind, I would reflect on them later, but right now I was being driven by red hot lust.

Our kiss became more passionate and I felt her tongue invade my mouth. My hand found it’s way to the back of her head pulling her in tighter as my other hand travelled down to fondle her perfect posterior. I felt her hands mirroring my own and sighed into her mouth, overcome by the feeling of her gentle caress. We continued our passionate embrace for a few more minutes, our hands dancing across each others bodies in perfect synchronisation. Finally our mouths separated and we stood staring into each others eyes, panting lustily.

As I stared into her eyes I knew what she wanted me to do without her uttering a single word. I gave a small smile and a nod before we separated completely.

Turning away from the mirror I got down on all fours then looked back over my shoulder. As I watched my reflection turned and picked up her dildo. Taking the fleshy instrument, she placed it between her legs, pressing the base of it against her clit. I let out a small gasp. As I watched the dildo seemed to meld with her flesh. I stared in wonder at the ten inch monstrosity hanging semi erect between her legs. The only evidence that it wasn’t a real cock was a thin join line that ran around the base of the cock where it had joined her flesh.

I saw my reflections eyes travel down to my perfectly presented pussy. Then I watched in awe as the cock between her legs stood to attention. She smiled at me with a wild look in her eyes and motioned with one finger for me to come towards her.

Hurriedly I scooted backwards on all fours until both my feet were pressed against the cool glass. Then I pressed my hips back until I could feel the glass pressing against my ass cheeks and engorged pussy lips.

I stared down at the floor in front of me, waiting to be taken. Wanting to be taken. I felt the heat first as the cold barrier of the mirror disappeared as she knelt behind me.

“Mmm yeeeees!!!!”

I exclaimed as I felt the domed head of her cock gently nuzzling my entry. I was wetter than I’d ever been and in a moment I felt the head of her cock begin to penetrate my sopping cunt.

“Yessssss! Fuck my ccuuuunnnt!” I exclaimed egging her on, wanting her to give me everything.

Her hips pumped forward and I felt her cock settle in as deep as it had gone before. The rigid head nestled against my g-spot once again. She paused there, letting me adjust to it once again.

“Holy shit… Holy shit… So fuckin’ full…”

I rambled to myself as my pussy was stretched to its limit.

Slowly my reflection withdrew her cock before feeding it to me again. She did this a few more times and I grunted and moaned with each thrust, completely overwhelmed by her cock.

She paused with her dick buried deep inside me and I felt her hands grip my hips. Something told me things were about to go up a notch and boy was I right. In one swift motion she withdrew from my snatch before hammering her full length inside my.


I screamed as the force of her thrust drove my face and chest into the carpet. My pussy was on fire, stretched like never before. I could feel the head of her cock rammed up against my cervix. Before I could say anything else or even react, she withdrew. I let out a long low sigh.


As I finished my sigh her cock hammered home again and my sigh became a muffled shriek as I exclaimed into the carpet.

My fingers clawed at the carpet, digging into the soft pile and I turned my head to meet her eye.

“P-please t-take meeEEEEEE!”

My reflection didn’t even wait for me to finish as she began to piston in and out of my cunt all the while smiling down at me.

I turned back to the carpet and screamed out loud as her magic cock made me cum.


She didn’t slow up, jack hammering me with that massive piece of meat.


I shrieked out as another orgasm hit me.

Still she pumped on wildly, getting faster and faster.


Finally she slammed her cock deep inside my cunt and I felt a spasm as it erupted inside me, spraying my cervix with white, hot cum.

We continued to cum in waves, rocking as both our bodies spasmed and shook as one.

Her cock kept pulsing, unleashing what felt like a gallon of cum inside me until finally it ceased its ejaculating frenzy. I gave one finally shriek as I collapsed against the carpet.

We stayed like this for a few minutes, still joined at the hips, puffing profusely. Finally we parted. My body extended and I fell into a lying position. A flood of our shared cum leaked steadily from between my legs. Looking back over my shoulder I saw my reflection fall sideways as she passed out on the floor. Her magic dildo separating from her body on the way down. Smiling I closed my eyes and fell immediately into a deep and contented sleep.



Tales Of Tea
Erotic Tales

I write erotic short stories, generally centred around exhibitionism, voyeurism, masturbation and romance. I hope you will identify with and enjoy them.