Berserker Mint and January Updates

Tales of Elleria
6 min readJan 11, 2023


The novelty of new beginnings.

As Elleria ushered into a new year, the citizens offered prayers and contributions to the goddess, Elysis, in hopes of granting them divine protection this term.

However, not everyone has faith in the goddess. Some sow the seeds of hope through their mind and body. The affirmation of such an existence could be heard from the war cry on the outskirts of Elleria.

1. Berserker Mint


The Berserker is a ferocious and rugged brute who seeks the thrill of life through countless battles. He is a combat manic and can withstand any attacks his foes can throw at him, relying on pure willpower and endurance to defend himself. Berserker wields dual axes, ready to mow down enemies with physical damage.

100 stat: Vitality
90 stat: Endurance
75 stat: Will
60 stat: Strength
60 stat: Agility
50 stat: Intelligence

Berserkers have a minimum stat of 10 points. Stat points are randomly generated on-chain.

Berserkers do not have a special attack.


Berserkers can complete Basic tasks like genesis heroes.

Berserkers will also be able to participate in a class-specific assignment, City Patrol, with a minimum stat requirement of 86 Vitality and 61 Endurance and a level requirement of level 10. Berserkers can go “City Patrol”, which rewards medals at the same rate as other class-specific assignments.

City Patrol rate: (0.2 / 60) + (Main stat — 85) * (0.05 / 60) MEDALS per second

City patrolling to keep the city safe
The Berserker will be the only class released to date where it is 
more defensive-centric, specializing in Vit, End and Wil. Therefore,
depending on your draw, berserkers will be useful in both Goblin
Plains and Slime Road.

Although a lower damage stat means more prolonged drawn-out battles,
it does not necessarily imply a lower win rate. Try out the Berserker
to find out how a beast battles.

Mint Details

Minting will follow a similar structure in the bidding system as the Machinist mint. To find out more on the mint process, please refer to the additional notes section below for the full guide.

Minting commences on 16th January 2023 at 4 a.m. UTC, for four weeks, with 250 Berserkers released weekly on auction.

  • 1st Auction Period : 16th–22nd January 2023
  • 2nd Auction Period: 23rd–29th January 2023
  • 3rd Auction Period: 30th January 2023–5th February 2023
  • 4th Auction Period: 6th–12th February 2023

As an additional incentive to boost mints, we are giving out a Cosmetic Box to every player with a winning bid with over 50 $ELM per hero!
More information about loot boxes and cosmetics is provided below.

2. Loot boxes

Wonder what mysteries lie hidden inside…

In the coming future, we’ll release loot boxes containing various riches, including $ELM, Relics, Shards, and potentially fragments from another universe…

Different loot boxes will have separate methods of obtaining them. Players can get loot boxes from exclusive sources or unique scenarios such as:
— Top 3 Placement in World Boss
— From Community Events
— From Emergency Quests
— From the Shop during Seasonal Events.

Each loot box fulfils a particular purpose. For example, loot boxes obtainable from field bosses (e.g. Goblin Leader and Slime King) will contain loot specific to each region, like a goblin leader doll or slime king doll, with an off-chance of getting something rare.

Most loot boxes will be tradeable. More information will be released when the feature is implemented.

Loot boxes introduce a new dimension of gameplay where monsters 
can now drop rarer items in demand. As the current game emissions
are reduced, loot boxes help to bridge the gap between the old emission
standards and new ones while adding a layer of fun from rolling.

3. Cosmetics

Are you ready for the Elleria Fashion Show?

Shark boy

To allow for more personalization and customization, multiple sets of skins have been designed and are in the works. Cosmetic loot boxes will be available for purchase if you wish to spice up the artwork of your characters!

Costume visuals vary through different tiers of rarity. Legendary theme costumes will be released every set period and will only be available during that period.

4. ELM Shards and Relic drop rates adjustment

With the recent changes to all game-related emissions, we found that player behaviour did not turn out as forecasted. This change resulted in predicted emission goals being off the mark, and player interests shifted heavily towards Slime Foe. A portion of the community also expressed disinterest in the rigid game loop of only farming slime drop as a viable path.

The team’s intentions were to open up the gameplay path to multiple loops where players had to choose a path to specialize in depending on their needs. As such, we will be increasing ELM shard drop rates to pre-nerf rates in Goblin Plains to establish that region as a direct channel to obtain crucial materials for the crafting loop.

Make crafting great again!

These chhanges will go live next week.

Additional notes

Tales of Elleria is currently undergoing a server migration for smoother operations in the future. In the meantime, do expect some instability over the next few days or weeks until the migration is done.

Auction Process

To place a bid, you will require $USDC and on-chain $ELM. When the auction ends, heroes will be allocated to bidders who have pledged the highest $ELM amounts.

Creating a bid

First, indicate the number of heroes and $ELM you would like to bid for each hero. Each hero costs a standard 50 $USDC, and the total cost of the bid will be indicated below.

Please confirm your total bid before pressing the “pledge bid” button. Approve and execute the transaction to confirm your bid. Once your bid is pledged, it is irreversible and cannot be refunded until the auction is over.

Active Bids

Click on the refresh icon at the top left-hand corner of the page to reload your bids. Your bid will now appear in the “My Active Bids” tab.

You can increase your $ELM bid at any time while the auction is ongoing to secure your heroes. Additional $ELM will be required, and you will only be able to update the entire bid (e.g. if you bid for ten heroes, you must change for all ten at once)

Successful Bids

Upon conclusion of the auction on 18th December 2022 at 3.59 am UTC, successful winners will be airdropped heroes directly into their wallets. Click on successful listings in “My Bid History” to view your heroes.

You may head towards “Manage Souls” to bind your newly acquired heroes in the game.

Unsuccessful Bids

Unsuccessful bids will remain on the “Active Bids” Page. Between the auction distribution and Tuesday’s quest reset, you can press the “cancel” button to cancel your bid and receive a full refund.

Please note that any uncancelled bids will be brought over to the next wave of auction.

Happy New Year everyone and may the best bidder win!

Fortuna Eterna
#ForElleria 🍀

Disclaimer: This article is for general knowledge and not meant to be taken as financial advice.

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