CPR: 10 Steps for Performing CPR on an Adult: All What You need to Know

Talha Riaz
4 min readApr 28, 2023
Adult CPR, Cpr Training, Frist aid

CPR, also known as cardiopulmonary resuscitation, is a vital emergency procedure that can help sustain an adult’s heart and lung function in a scenario where life is at risk. CPR can be the difference between life and death, making it vital to be prepared for any emergency situation that may arise. The ability to perform CPR can be the difference between life and death, therefore it’s crucial to be ready for emergencies. In this article post, I’ll go over the ten steps for performing CPR on an adult with you.

Step 1: Check the Scene

Make sure the environment is secure for both you and the victim before starting CPR. Look around for any hazards that may pose a danger and move the victim to a safe location if necessary.

Step 2: Check for Responsiveness

By softly patting the victim’s shoulder and enquiring about their well-being, you can determine if they are awake. Call emergency services and shout for assistance if there is no answer.

Step 3: Open the Airway

Tilt the victim’s head back and lift their chin to open the airway. This will help the victim breathe more easily.

Step 4: Check for Breathing

Look, listen, and feel for any signs of breathing. As soon as the person stops breathing, start CPR.

Step 5: Perform Chest Compressions

Kneel next to the victim and place the heel of one hand on the center of the chest. Place the other hand on top of the first hand and interlock your fingers. 2 inches of pressure should be applied quickly and forcefully at a pace of 100–120 compressions per minute.

Step 6: Administer Rescue Breaths

Tilt the victim’s head back and pinch their nose shut. Take a deep breath and seal your lips around the victim’s mouth. Blow steadily into their mouth for about 1 second, until you see the chest rise. Repeat this step twice.

Step 7: Continue Chest Compressions and Rescue Breaths

Continue performing chest compressions and rescue breaths until emergency services arrive or the victim begins breathing independently.

Step 8: Use an AED

Turn on the automated external defibrillator (AED) and adhere to the instructions if one is available. Attach the pads to the victim’s chest and follow the prompts.

Step 9: Continue until Help Arrives

Continue performing CPR until emergency services arrive or until the victim shows signs of life.

Step 10: Document the Incident

Following the incident, it is essential to document the details, including the time and date, the victim’s condition, and the actions taken to administer CPR. Proper documentation can assist medical professionals in providing the best possible care for the victim.

Adult CPR can be a challenging procedure that calls for a blend of expertise, competence, and quick decision-making. A life-threatening situation’s potential impact on the outcome, however, cannot be understated. CPR has the power to sustain a person’s heart and lung function until emergency medical services arrive, providing vital time and potentially saving a life. It is essential to comprehend the CPR protocols and be ready to act in order to be prepared for an emergency circumstance. This information could potentially save someone’s life by significantly altering the course of a potentially fatal incident.

You must complete enough CPR training and have access to the required equipment and resources if you want to make sure that you can react quickly and successfully in an emergency. This entails understanding the proper CPR techniques, having access to a CPR practitioner or a defibrillator, and being aware of the symptoms of cardiac arrest. By being adequately trained and prepared, you can increase your chances of success in an emergency. This entails understanding the proper CPR techniques, having access to a CPR practitioner or a defibrillator, and being aware of the symptoms of cardiac arrest. By being adequately trained and prepared, you can increase the chances of successfully administering CPR and potentially saving a life during a critical emergency situation. CPR can help save lives and protect the safety and well-being of those around us when performed properly and with the necessary training, preparation, and techniques. By following these 10 steps, you can help sustain the victim’s heart and lung function until emergency services arrive. Remember to stay calm, call for help, and continue performing CPR until the victim shows signs of life or emergency services arrive.

Read more: https://hurak.com/blog/how-to-administer-cpr-first-aid



Talha Riaz

I am a seasoned content writer with over 3 years of experience, I specialize in creating engaging and informative content on the topics of Health and Safety.