What is First Aid, Types, Procedures, and Requirements?

Talha Riaz
3 min readApr 3, 2023


First aid training, first aid kit, first aid courses.

First aid is the initial and immediate assistance provided to a person who suffered an injury or illness. It is often given before professional medical help arrives or the person is taken to a medical facility. Stabilizing the person’s condition and preventing additional harm until a trained medical assistant arrives is the main goal of first aid.
Anyone who has received the required training or has a basic understanding of it can administer first aid. It involves a set of skills and techniques that are used to provide immediate care to a person in distress. Applying a bandage is one example of a simple first-aid operation. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation is one of the more complex processes (CPR).
The importance of first aid cannot be ignored as it often means the difference between life and death. In some cases, prompt and appropriate first aid can even prevent the situation from deteriorating and avoid complications. Hence, it is essential that everyone understands the fundamentals of first aid and is capable of offering assistance when required.

When administering first aid, there are a few essential procedures to follow. These include:

Assessing the situation: Assessing the situation and figuring out the severity of the disease or injury is the first step in giving first aid. This will assist in choosing the best line of action.

Ensuring safety: Before providing any first aid, it is important to ensure the safety of both the victim and the first aider. This involves assessing the area for any potential hazards and taking steps to mitigate them.

Calling for help: It is crucial to seek prompt medical attention if the disease or injury is serious. This includes calling an ambulance or taking the person to the nearest medical facility.

Providing basic care: It’s critical to offer the individual basic care while awaiting the arrival of professional medical assistance. This may involve providing CPR, applying a bandage or splint, or administering medication.

Monitoring the person: It’s crucial to keep eye on the patient’s condition after the initial first aid has been given and to continue providing treatment as needed.

Many types of first aid vary depending on the need. Some of the common types include:

CPR: it is a method for reviving someone whose heart has stopped beating or whose respiration has ceased. CPR involves compressing the chest and providing rescue breaths to help the person breathe.

Choking: It’s a common emergency that occurs often when a person’s airway is blocked. First aid for choking involves performing the Heimlich maneuver to dislodge the object blocking the airway.

Burns: Burns can be caused by multiple reasons including heat, chemicals, and electricity. First aid for burns involves cooling the affected area with water and covering it with a sterile bandage.

Bleeding: Many things, such as cuts, scratches, and wounds, can result in bleeding. First aid for bleeding involves applying pressure to the affected area and elevating the affected limb.

Shock: Shock can occur when the body’s organs and tissues do not receive enough blood and oxygen. First aid for shock involves laying the person down and elevating their legs.

Some other abilities and methods can be employed to give immediate aid to a person in need in addition to these kinds of first aid. These may include administering medication, providing oxygen therapy, and immobilizing a limb with a splint.

In conclusion, first aid is a crucial collection of abilities and methods that can be applied to give instant assistance to someone who is in need. Everyone must have a basic understanding of first aid and be able to provide first care when necessary. Stabilizing the person’s condition and preventing more harm until expert medical care comes is the main goal of first aid. By following the basic steps of assessing the situation, ensuring safety, calling for help, providing basic care, and monitoring the person, anyone can provide effective first aid. Many first aid procedures, including CPR, may be employed, depending on the situation, for choking, burns, bleeding, and shock. By providing prompt and appropriate first aid, individuals can help to prevent the situation from deteriorating and potentially save lives. The completion of basic first aid training and the maintenance of a first aid kit is therefore essential for emergencies.

Read more: https://hurak.com/blog/advantages-of-having-a-first-aid-training



Talha Riaz

I am a seasoned content writer with over 3 years of experience, I specialize in creating engaging and informative content on the topics of Health and Safety.