7 ways to control screen time for Kids

Talha Admani
4 min readJun 21, 2022


In a 2021 survey, 51% of the parents in the United States said that their child uses the screen for more than three hours.

Undoubtedly screens are a kind of “Go to person” for almost everyone whether it’s a child or a elder person, in this digital world. Research by Sarah Domoff and her partners showed that screens seemed to be the only solution for kids from the age group of 4–11 of all things whether it be entertainment or having a bad day.

Screens are a reality that can’t be abandoned or surrendered. The Younger generation is more attached to screens. It’s a rising concern for parents, how to control the screen time of their kids. Here are some effective tips that will help reduce screen use.

How to figure it out that screen use is problematic for kids

Are you confused in deciding whether screens are a red signal for your child or not? It’s really not that much complicated, if screens are negatively affecting your child’s life then the red flag is up. Just don’t consider their routine bad habits to answer this question.

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Also, you need to understand why my child is excessively using the screen? They might be looking forward to screens killing their boredom or boosting their bad mood. In any case, you as a parent should sit with your child and find alternative solutions for their reasons for using screens.

1)Teach them to spend time outside

As overeating causes vomiting similarly consuming these mediums can overstimulate the mind. Instead, investing your child’s energy in outdoor games can boost your child’s mind. Fix a day to spend time outside on a walk or visiting any beautiful place with your youngster.

The best methodology for getting kids away from screens is to assist them with physical activities that they love and enjoy. It’s comparatively easy to switch to another habit rather than giving up one.

2) Encourage sports

Outdoor sports with other kids is an incredible method to construct team working and team building in your child. Not only will your child get countless memories of childhood, but it will also fabricate social abilities in your youngster. It will prove to be vital in your kid’s real life.

As children grow, their habits and passion tend to change. Many of them get inspired by different sports and exit the ones they used to play with. Let him pick the type of sports that he loves, instead of forcing the one you love. There is a generation gap between you and your child, so it’s obvious that there will be a change in you and your child’s habit pattern.

3) persuade them to Read

Apart from spending time outside, urge your child to read books. Not only will it keep your child away from the phone, it will also improve your child’s understanding, perception, thinking ability, and most importantly communication skills.

4)Remember kids follow their parents

Kids look up to their parents as role models, if you use your phone a lot then there are chances that your youngster will too!. Research proves that the more guardians are caught up in their own gadgets, the more children find other stuff for attention. If you want your kid to spend time off-screen then you have to first get off-screen.

It may appear that your kid may not focus on the things you do or say, but you are still an example for them. A child psychiatrist, Paul Ballas, says “you have to watch what you do”.

5)timetable should be made for screens

Whereas as a parent you take the responsibility of teaching your child basic ethics, teaching your child about screen use is also your duty. Kids don’t have the experience which you might have and they may be unable to deal with online problems. Just don’t start lectures, it’s literally not that much effective, instead ask questions like “what will you do if… ?” These types of questions will help kids to consider the outcome of the
situations before they occur.

A contract of household rules should be drawn up. Donald Shifrin, MD, clinical teacher of pediatrics at the College of Washington, says, setting up rules controls a child’s screen consumption.

6)provide them with household tasks.

Getting your children to contribute to household work is incredible. Usually, kids are not interested in these types of tasks. The question that comes to mind is how can I make them do household work? You can provide incentives like for instance, you can give them a couple of dollars.

7)screens should be banned!

Quality rest is critical for your child’s psychological and physical health. Research proves that the presence of screens in rooms causes a lack of sleep. Surely it’s nearly impossible to keep screens out of the room. Instead, you can fix a time limit after which screens should be completely banned. Banning screens is not realistic in this world. It’s crucial that we keep a notice of our child’s daily screen use. Soft reminders should be given if they overuse screens.

