Become The Smartest Person In The Room With These Apps

Talha Mumtaz
5 min readAug 17, 2022


Wouldn’t it be nice if you’d never run out of ideas when talking to a bunch of intellectuals who may be your friends, family, colleagues or just a bunch of people waiting for their coffee at StarBucks?

Of course, it will be really interesting to discover the latest talk of the town or even of the world? Everyone can talk about what they see on the TV, but few can really talk about the things that matter.

And believe me, neither Money Heist nor Game of Thrones is going to make you any smarter. So the next time when you are waiting for the bus or travelling somewhere or waiting for a friend at a club, rather than wasting time scrolling social media incessantly, try investing your time in the apps I’m going to tell you about and believe me, they are going to help you become a smarter and more refined personality.


I understand, nobody has time anymore to just pick up a book and read it. We are juggling so many things everyday that it becomes really difficult to dedicate time to reading (despite knowing the obvious benefits of it). I, for example, have sacrificed my Netflix for reading as Netflix is just making me useless for the world while reading makes me feel more confident about what I talk and helping others. So if you can’t read a whole book, you should at least know the essence of it and Goodreads is the best way to do so. Many intellectuals come there (including the authors sometimes) to discuss what they have learned about the book and how it has helped them reinforce or magnify their perspective. So just check what category of books you like and start reading about them on Goodreads. You’ll get a good idea about the book’s narrative as well. Whenever I’m low on time, I find fantasy books and read reviews about them. That way, even if I don’t want to read that book, I still get the whole story summarized (No spoiler issue for me).


This app is available on both iOS and Android and is one of the best apps I have ever seen when it comes to learning something new from the books you love — withoit actually reading them cover to cover. It gives you a ton of book summaries summarized for a 15 minute read. Yup, I have tried a lot of book summary apps and Blinkist is the only one so far that gives you not just summaries but infographics as well. There are summaries from almost every genre but most of the app is influenced by the self-help, personal development and business theme. It offers you the whole essence of a book in just 15 minutes. So if you don’t want to spend weeks around reading a book, go for Blinkist.


This is the second app by Amazon in the list so far. If you haven’t already heard about Audible, it offers you Audiobooks. You can take any book and just listen the audio version rather than reading it. It saves you a lot of time. For example, I couldn’t complete reading Guns, Germs and Steel no matter what I do so I had to listen to the audiobook. For me, I personally prefer reading a book as it gives me more control over my thoughts and I can easily go back to a dedicated sentence. In audiobooks, things are quite quick. But yeah, if you are a busy bee, go for Audible.


If you are tired of reading news the old-fashioned way, come to Buzzfeed. It’s mainly designed for millennials and Gen-Z but the content is highly entertaining. From celebrity feuds to technology revolution, harry potter quizzes to rising inflation in USA, you are going to find everything in there. In fact, if you aren’t being careful, you may become an addict. So if you have nothing better to do, go to Buzzfeed rather than TikTok.


I was introduced to Kahoot during one of my marketing class when I was doing my MBA back in 2020. I immediately became a fan of the interactive UI. Since then, kahoot has changed a lot and it offers you a ton of quizzes. I personally love to test my knowledge about Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings every now and then but you can find a quiz around any topic in Kahoot. These quizzes are made by people like you and me. So if you are an expert on something, create a quiz on Kahoot and help others become knowledgeable about it too.

So these are the 5 apps I’d personally recommend to everyone wanting to become smarter in less time. Of course, there are apps like Shortform, Headway, Deepstash, WikiHow and dozens of others that can really make you smarter but these 5 make learning a new concept easy and entertaining. Let me know if you like this article by following me and I’ll be sure to come up with more exciting articles for you.



Talha Mumtaz

ASO Consultant @ Phiture 📱 | Brand App Marketer 😎 | Self-Published Author 🖋️ | Content Writer 💻