Muhammad Talha Shaikh
3 min readApr 10, 2023



JSX is a syntax extension for JavaScript that lets you write HTML-like markup inside a JavaScript file.

In React, rendering logic and markup live together in the same place — components.

Rules of JSX

1.Return a single root element

Multiple elements must be wrapped inside a single parent tag or inside an empty tag. (Parent only 1) WHY? [Under the hood JSX is transformed into plain JavaScript objects, you cannot return two objects from a function without wrapping them into an array]

This empty tag is called a Fragment. Fragments let you group things without leaving any trace in the browser HTML tree.

2. Close all the Tags

<h1> ……. </h1>
<img src=’…’ /> Event Self Closing Ones like img <img />
<a href=’…’ />

3.camelCase most of the things

many HTML and SVG attributed are written in camelCase e.g stroke-width

1. becomes strokeWidth.

Since class is a reserved keyword, you have to write className

aria-* and data-* attributes are written with dash (not camelCase)

JSX with Curly Braces

You can use curly braces in your JSX to open a window to JavaScript.

  1. As attributes
    Immediately following the = sign:

    src={avatar} will read the avatar variable,
    but src=”{avatar}” will pass the string “{avatar}”

    className -> cartoon //String
    alt -> Mickey Mouse //JavaScript Variable in curly braces

2.As text directly inside a JSX tag:

3. Any JavaScript expression will work between curly braces, including function calls like formatDate():

const today = new Date();

<h1>To Do List for {formatDate(today)} </h1>

4.Using “double curlies”: CSS and other objects in JSX

Objects themselves are also denoted with curly braces so to pass them in JSX, add another curly brace

Object: {name: “Alex” , age: 15}

JSX: {{name: “Alex” , age: 15}}

Example: Inline CSS style pass as style object

style attribute needs an object so we are passing person.theme which is an object having properties (CSS properties) and values (CSS Values)
[theme object inside person object]

And is just an object property (variable) so nest inside {}

You cannot do this
<h1> I am {person} </h1> //Render whole object as text

5. Another Example Concatenating strings