AI and Procurement: Crafting a robust RFP

Talia Myres
4 min readAug 15, 2023


Procurement has become more complex than ever in today’s rapidly evolving business landscape. Crafting a Request for Proposal (RFP) that accurately captures the organization’s needs while enticing qualified vendors requires a delicate balance of technical knowledge, communication skills, and market insight. Over the past several months, I have toyed with various AI tools, like ChatGPT and GrammarlyGO, to see if they are valuable in creating more robust and effective RFPs.

I have seen AI success in some areas and experienced AI limitations in others. With that in mind, here are some of my takeaways.

1. Requirements

One of the challenges in writing RFPs is identifying and articulating precise requirements. AI has helped me analyze project scopes, technical specifications, and desired outcomes. I often start with an extensive list of requirements that sometimes need to be refined. By inputting key requirements — while pointedly not including proprietary or sensitive information — AI assists me in generating detailed requirement lists, including some that I didn’t think to include in the RFP. This reduces the risk of vague or incomplete specifications.

2. Tailored Content Creation

Although many procurement departments utilize RFP templates, there’s still a personal element to each project, which can quickly become time-consuming. AI helps me generate tailored content based on similar work, capabilities, and industry trends. I still follow my department’s template, but the AI content allows me to craft an RFP unique to the project while enhancing engagement and understanding.

3. Language Enhancement

Effective communication is vital in procurement. My undergraduate degree is in journalism, but I sometimes need help to craft a coherent and concise document. This area is where I’ve found one of the most significant benefits of AI. The right AI program can enhance the language used in RFPs, making them more persuasive and precise. It can suggest improvements in sentence structure, vocabulary, and tone, leading to clearer communication and better comprehension by vendors.

4. Incorporating Market Insights

A robust RFP considers current market trends, supplier capabilities, and pricing benchmarks. AI can assist procurement agents by gathering and analyzing data from various sources to infuse the RFP with relevant market insights, ensuring the proposed solution remains relevant and competitive. The caveat to this is that AI isn’t foolproof. It’s a tool that gathers information from multiple sources, but it doesn’t verify the accuracy of that information. The human element — me — is still required to ensure the data I pull is accurate and current.

5. Risk Mitigation

Identifying potential risks and addressing them upfront in an RFP can save time and resources in the long run, and this is another area I’ve seen significant benefits from using AI. AI helps me identify potential challenges, so I can include them as evaluation criteria or as part of the vendor’s proposed solution, fostering a proactive risk management approach.

6. Faster Iterations

The iterative nature of RFP creation can sometimes slow down the procurement process. AI-powered tools like ChatGPT and GrammarlyGO allow me to rapidly draft, edit, and refine RFPs, enabling quicker response times and accelerating the procurement timeline.

These are my insights from three months of gradually incorporating AI into my daily tasks.

Do I think AI will take over writing RFx? I don’t because AI isn’t infallible. It requires the human element to fact-check information and ensure cohesiveness and coherency. But incorporating AI into my procurement process has allowed me to create more robust RFPs in a shorter time frame.

The caveat to AI is we must recognize the inherent security risks that AI could and does pose. When crafting an RFP, I don’t include sensitive company information, proprietary information, or anything else that could identify my organization. I write my prompts as hypothetical queries or ask them to pull data from similar projects.

AI, when properly used, is a tool that speeds the draft process and helps create more robust RFPs. It has a place in modern procurement, and we must continue to explore how to maximize its potential in the procurement process.

TL;DR: By streamlining requirements identification, tailoring content, enhancing language, mitigating risks, and expediting iterations, AI enables procurement agents to create robust and compelling RFPs that resonate with vendors. As technology evolves, the partnership between procurement professionals and AI tools promises to reshape the procurement landscape and foster innovation, efficiency, and improved outcomes. AI is a powerful tool for procurement professionals that requires data-vetting and oversight to prevent sharing of sensitive information.



Talia Myres

Talia is a Subaru enthusiast that enjoys writing, technology, gaming, and spending time with her dogs.