Tarot Card Reading Session — What Can You Expect?

3 min readMay 2, 2024


The prospect of a tarot card reading can be both intriguing and a little daunting. If you’re curious about what to expect during a session, this guide will shed some light on the process.

Before the Reading:

  • Setting Your Intention: Consider what you hope to gain from the reading. Do you have a specific question about love, career, or another area of life? Having a clear focus can help the reader tailor the session to your needs.
  • Finding a Reader: Look for a reader who resonates with you. Recommendations from friends or browsing online directories are good starting points. Many readers offer brief introductory consultations to discuss your expectations.

During the Reading:

  • The Space: The reading environment will vary depending on the reader. It could be a calm and comfortable space in their home or office, or perhaps a virtual session conducted over video chat.
  • The Shuffle and Spread: The reader will typically invite you to shuffle the cards, infusing them with your energy. They will then lay them out in a specific pattern called a “spread,” chosen to address your question.
  • Card Interpretation: The reader will then interpret the meaning of each card based on its symbolism and position within the spread. An experienced reader will weave a narrative, drawing connections between the cards to offer insights into your situation.
  • Open Communication: Feel free to ask clarifying questions as the reading unfolds. The more you participate, the more meaningful the experience will be.

What to Expect from the Reading:

  • Clarity, not Certainty: Tarot readings are not about predicting the future with absolute certainty. They offer guidance and highlight potential influences, empowering you to make informed choices.
  • Honest Insights: The cards can sometimes reveal uncomfortable truths. A good reader will deliver these insights with sensitivity and offer guidance on how to navigate them.
  • Actionable Advice: The ultimate goal of a tarot reading is not simply to receive information, but to gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your situation. The reading should offer suggestions and inspire you to take action.

After the Reading:

  • Taking Time to Reflect: After the reading, take some time to process the information you received. Journaling about your thoughts and feelings can be helpful.
  • Putting Insights into Action: Consider any suggestions or prompts offered by the reader. Tarot is a tool for self-discovery, and it’s up to you to take the insights gleaned from the reading and apply them to your life.


A tarot reading is a collaborative experience. The more open and receptive you are, the more you will gain from the session. Approach it with a sense of curiosity and a willingness to learn more about yourself and the journey ahead.




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