Talicia Raggs
1 min readJul 23, 2020


You need to grow the fuck up. Stop sacrificing progress on the altar of ideology!

So the Democratic Party should throw reasonable republicans and moderates to the curb? Great, welcome to 4 more years of that shitstain under which the great American “experiment” will not survive.

Swear to God you Bernie people will cut your noses off to spite your face taking about “fuck a sweet smell! It has thorns!”

What you need to do is get in the fold and push for policy reform. You guys are too busy turning your nose up and not voting. Well guess what, while you’re busy standing off to the side crying about bullshit, others are working WITHIN the fold to get shit done. And when Biden wins in November WITHOUT your help, guess who won’t have a seat or a vote at the table at all.

LBJ was a KNOWN racist. Used to use the N word all the time. But after JFK was assassinated, do you think MLK refused to work with him because of that!? NO! THERE WAS TOO MUCH ON THE LINE. MLK rode that MFer until they got the Civil Rights, Voting Rights, and Housing Rights acts passed! If MLK thought like you, I’d still be riding in the back of the bus. So excuse me if I call out your high ideal bullshit, because at the end of the day, it does NOTHING to help the people you SAY need helping if you aren’t willing to work with less than perfect people to actually get it done!

