Ongoing Trends within the Recruitment Market — Talismatic

2 min readAug 13, 2018


Recruitment, like any other segment, needs frequent updates to keep up with the flow of how a recruitment market works. A change every year is to be expected in order to improve hiring strategies based on past analysis. For successful hiring, it is vital to come up with newer hiring strategies every year and keeping with the hiring trends within the recruitment market.

Focusing on Diversity

Diversity within an organisation is a necessity for more than just promoting tolerance and equality. In a bid to reach out to customers, a diverse set of employees within the organisation are certainly a positive feature. Including candidates that are different from the ones your company is usually known to hire, or those with disabilities help companies represent customers better with a deeper understanding of their psyche. Along with an added impetus to the performance of the company, a diverse recruitment also encourages acceptance of cultures and creating one that is beneficial for all.

Acceptance of Newer Tools and Hiring Processes

A lot of times, recruiters fail to source good candidates due to certain failings that are bound to be present during manual selections. Bias is one of the major shortcomings where candidates are often overlooked. Companies often have a lengthy hiring process that can backfire if the candidates are left hanging without a definite answer for too long. Using the right recruitment tools is where this concern is taken care of. Updating the hiring process by keeping the limitations of the process in mind and understanding the weaknesses of candidates is a policy best followed for better recruitment outcomes.

Taking Data into Account

HR data has been one of the greatest aids to recruiting right. The data you acquire can help you increase retention, understand candidate requirements, close the skill gap with respect to the need of the company, plan your workforce, predict candidate productivity and success, evaluate demand and supply graph, and compare the talent metrics of your company against your competitors’.When creating strategies and making recruitment decisions, taking data into account is one trend that has seen great results within the past few months.

Social Networking

Social networking sites have become one of the greatest source pools to recruit candidates in recent years. The number of people active on social media makes it the perfect avenue through which potential talents can be found. Often, there is more potential in sourcing passive candidates than ones actively searching for jobs. Many employers have realised the importance of social recruiting through which targeting passive candidates is a possibility. According to research, 89% companies are planning to use social media as a medium to recruit candidates, making it a rampant trend within the recruitment market.

Keeping with these ongoing trends can increase the productivity and potentially of your company notably.




Talismatic is a career exploration tool for Colleges and Universities.