Fail Fandom Anon, the KiA of Fandom

Benjanun Sriduangkaew
2 min readMar 13, 2015


A quick primer on the ‘community of anonymous racists’ I previously mentioned. They are, essentially, the fandom version of KotakuInAction combined with the anonymity of 4chan. (It was, in fact, modeled on 4chan according to its creator. This was, errr, before moot cracked down on the very worst of 4chan; at that point in time, there was still child porn being traded on 4chan. So the creator of FFA seriously thought 4chan was a nice model.)

I’ll note here that I don’t generally seee anti-harassment activists keep a wiki ‘profiling’ and stalking harassers. Probably because actual anti-harassment activitsts don’t believe in ‘harass them back!’

That’s concerning K. Tempest Bradford, whom I have no idea why anyone other than angry bigots would hate. Of course, Tempest has criticized FFA, so like Gargle Goats, FFA lashes out at her right away in their typical racist manner.

Relevant thread here.

What’s their stance on stalkers? Well…

On to transphobia.

I actually flinched from this one. So I’m personally? Not perfect. I used to sling transphobic slurs (‘tr*nnies’) more than half a decade ago on a toxic gaming forum, for which I’m not proud — it’s one of the few valid objections FFA have regarding me, insofar as they sincerely care about anything other than using screw-ups as a ‘gotcha!’ retaliative excuse to harass.

But there’s something about trap that is just… extra queasy. Here’s an explanation on why it’s transphobic. Nobody in that thread objects to the slur being used.

More on FFA’s obsessive paranoia about ‘anti-white’ racism.

The context is that Abigail Nussbaum, who is Israeli, made a post that is critical of me and Laura J. Mixon. The post outright says I’m terrible and compares me to Vox Day, but that isn’t enough for FFA: simply being the slightest bit critical of Mixon suffices to paint a person as ‘awful’ and deserving of targeting in FFA’s view.

