ET/Alien Stuff Part 3-Conversation with Anton Yelchin

Talking with Ghosts
6 min readJul 28, 2023


Took a break. My head is filled with so much energy that it’s tough to concentrate. He’s bringing in so much energy today that I have a feeling I should slow it down…drink lots of water and eat something.

K: I had a question come in about Sirians.

A: Okay.

K: They ask if you have ever met any Sirians?

A: Yes. I…I guess you could say that I hang out with a lot of Sirians.

K: That’s cool.

A: I mean, I’m in a position where I interact with a lot of different races.

K: Being introduced to what you do, like four years ago, I’m not surprised that you do (know).

A: (sits back and thinks) Hhhmmm…

K: What?

A: I mean, that’s a pretty simple question and it’s a yes but I’m wondering how to elaborate on it.

K: Any way you want.

A: I think…what’s really cool about Sirius is that you have the A and B…and I mean, I’ll just keep it simple.

K: For sure.

A: And the two planets and those from those planets are so different but they’re the same and it’s just…it’s really a great place to visit. I enjoy visiting.

K: Give me an example.

A: The Sirians from B are like these…how can I say this…they’re like these really easy going, hippie, peace out…the feeling like they’re constantly on another planet.

K: You mean high.

A: (laughs) Yeah. Like that. They sort of seem oblivious but it’s the opposite. They know. They really know. It’s like kids watching adults when adults don’t think they are. They play. They’re always playing. They’re always just…it’s not who they are…it’s the energy. It’s like they’re adolescents…sort of but smart. So smart. And I think that’s why they play so much is because they are smart and it’s that balance. They were the first ones to visit earth and they did it through water portals.

K: Water portals?

A: Yeah. They’re where the stories of the mermaids came from.

K: Ah. Got it.

A: But they swim through life like birds fly in the sky and sometimes it’s hard to navigate their…personality because it’s really really huge and free. Like a large body of water because they’re more…the element of water. Humans might think that yes, their planet is water and they’re aquatic and people take that very literally. But it’s in the Sirian B’s energy that that part of them is felt more. They don’t like clothing. They don’t like to cover up. When people…humans are told they need to learn about boundaries and not be taken advantage of…they probably can relate to these Sirians. It’s a lesson they had to learn because they have been manipulated and used, in their history, and it’s a part of their history that they still feel like…they have to answer for especially when it comes to explaining themselves to humans. But they don’t have to answer for it. It’s just that humans get attached to that one aspect…usually war…and it’s a constant explanation of who, what, where, when and why. Regardless, they are just really…full of innocence. Like these doe-eyed star-crossed lovers. And you can’t lose your patience with them because it’s impossible to lose your patience with a race that speaks to that inner child…innocence feeling.

K: Are the two races of Sirius very separate or have they created life with each other?

A: Like Sirian A having babies with Sirian B?

K: Yeah. I have to ask because sometimes people tend to think that it’s still that…segregation.

A: Because that’s what Earth is still working through. No. It’s not so separate anymore.

K: Thought so. It was just an intense feeling I had. What about Sirian A beings?

A: Well, you know Helena.

K: Yes.

A: Just really…intelligent, logical, not so warm and snuggly but they have moments of that. They’re regal. Very royal energy coming from them. They have a very strong light that is confidence but sometimes people think it’s stand-offish. They like to have wise and intelligent conversations with a goal. They plan. They are the architects. It’s that creativity that you see on Earth that’s about the language of math but they put the beauty in it. They are the dreamers and the thinkers combined. They know what sacred geometry is and they use it to build all things so things are built using that “All” mentality. They lead through learning. They don’t lead through teaching. They do both because it is both. Teaching is also learning because you can’t teach the same thing all the time. It has to be a constant awareness that there will always be more. They are very respected and right now they work very closely with the Andromedans.

K: Makes sense.

A: Right now, exploration is really important. So, there are these councils that are made up and they go out on these exploration missions for a really really long time…what people can think an exploration to Venus would be like…

K: Wow.

A: And that’s also on behalf of planets like Earth. It’s sort of like passing the baton in a race. Earth can only get to this point so they pass on the directive to races like the Sirians to take it to point B…then they pass it on and all of that information that is explored is shared equally. It’s been that way for eons but when Earth was lost in the draconian wars, Earth couldn’t get that information so Earth is playing a little bit of catch up right now.

K: Those are the wars that the Pleiadians talk about with the creator gods?

A: Yeah, the space wars.

K: Got it. So because we were kept in that low frequency for so long, we need to catch up on the exploration with the other benevolent ET races.

A: Exactly.

K: And how is that done?

A: By these types of things. By information. Sharing information. Travelling with humans that are done dissecting so the humans can bring back the knowledge like Billy Meier. The time travelling humans that are out there that conspiracists see in old photographs. The astral travelers who have the ability to break through the astral and into the celestial where they can see more than what’s just in front of them. If a person can get past the astral…it’s like the horse attached to the cart taking the blinders off and not needing to pull a load anymore.

K: So, it’s in ways that are more quantum. It’s in ways that aren’t taking a huge clunky spaceship to the moon.

A: It has to be in those ways or humanity wouldn’t be getting anywhere. It has to be with the people…the Starseeds that have that quantum ability to do the extraordinary. Physically, people don’t have the capability yet because they’re still evolving. Psychically and energetically, they do.

K: Which is a mind fuck…truthfully.

A: It is and it sounds really vague but if people look past the words or the story and dare to dive into the vague, they would see more than they ever could. Because the vague is defined by the brain. The mind takes it further which is Earth giving the baton to the Sirians to take it further. Things are not just on a physical level but the attachment to the physical is what defines vague and then the dissection starts, and the doors are closed. And…it’s frustrating. It really is because someone like me can see that potential but the potential is imbedded in the undefined that people are just waiting to be told definitions for so they can feel comfortable about it.

K: For sure. I feel that. I really do.

A: So…yeah. I’ve met Sirians and they’re very cool beings.

Stay tuned for part IV…



Talking with Ghosts

Channeled messages from spirits using automatic writing & clairaudient abilities to share information about the human spirit we see as humanity.