I’m Old Fashioned and Boring — So What?

Recognizing the value of simplicity

Tan Rosado🤍
Wellspring Publication


Sometimes I feel like my traditional values and simple pleasures make me less interesting.

I’ve been misunderstood for calling myself conservative and judged because I’m a stay-at-home Mom.

Even still, I prefer the comfort of old-fashioned habits.

Greeting my husband with a kiss at the door and putting the kids to bed with a story and a prayer will always be my norm.

Embrace your “boring”

Being boring is a strength, not a weakness.

Hear me out.

In a world obsessed with the latest trends and technologies, I held on to what many consider “boring” values: hand-packed lunches, morning devotionals, and face-to-face conversations.


I actually call people when I need something, not text them. Insane, right?

At times it feels like everyone around me is racing ahead, while I‘m living life in the slow lane, content raising my kids and living without a bunch of bank loans.



Tan Rosado🤍
Wellspring Publication

Tanya, Boosted writer, God-fearing Mom & happy freelancer. Helping you make money on Medium, while keeping your sanity.🤪 https://tanrosado.substack.com/