How to Resolve the XAMPP Installation Warning on Windows: A Step-by-Step Guide

S Afsan Rahmatullah
3 min readDec 20, 2023


If you’re looking to develop with PHP, Perl, or MariaDB (MySQL) and want to set up a local server environment on your Windows machine, XAMPP is one of the most popular choices out there. But, as with any software, setting it up can sometimes throw a curveball or two. A common hiccup occurs with the User Account Control (UAC) system, a security component of Windows. Here’s how to get past this and on with your development work.

Understanding the Warning

The warning, which states:

“Important! Because an activated User Account Control (UAC) on your system some functions of XAMPP are possibly restricted. With UAC please avoid to install XAMPP to C:\Program Files (missing write permissions). Or deactivate UAC with msconfig after this setup.”

It’s there to tell you that installing XAMPP in the C:\Program Files directory could result in permission issues due to the UAC restrictions. Essentially, it's a safeguard against unauthorized changes to your system, but it can interfere with applications like XAMPP that need to modify files within their directory.

The Solutions

1. Install XAMPP in a Custom Directory

Step 1: When running the XAMPP installer, choose a path like C:\xampp for your installation directory.

Step 2: Continue with the installation as you normally would.

This is the simplest and most secure solution. By installing XAMPP in a directory outside of C:\Program Files, you sidestep the whole issue of UAC restrictions.

2. Run the Installer as an Administrator

Step 1: Right-click on the XAMPP installer.

Step 2: Choose “Run as administrator” from the context menu.

This gives the installer elevated permissions to write to protected areas of the file system, like C:\Program Files.

3. Disable UAC (Not Recommended)

Step 1: Type msconfig in the Run dialog box (Win + R).

Step 2: Navigate to the Tools tab, select “Change UAC Settings”, and click “Launch”.

Step 3: Adjust the slider to “Never Notify” and restart your computer.

Disabling UAC is not recommended because it weakens the security of your system. Only consider this if you understand the risks and have a specific need to do so.

4. Adjust Folder Permissions

Step 1: Right-click on the C:\Program Files folder and select "Properties".

Step 2: Go to the “Security” tab and click “Edit” to change permissions.

Step 3: Select your user account and check “Full control”.

Like disabling UAC, adjusting folder permissions should be done with caution, as it opens up your system to potential risks.

Best Practices

Always go for the least invasive method that preserves system security. In this case, installing XAMPP in a custom directory such as C:\xampp is the preferred route. It's quick, easy, and keeps your system safe.

Final Thoughts

Setting up a local server environment shouldn’t be a roadblock on your path to development. With this guide, you can navigate around the UAC warning and get back to what’s important: building and testing your applications. Happy coding!

