Matching t-shirts

Talk to design
2 min readJul 21, 2018

This is the week of Monday, July 9 until Saturday, July 14.

Traveling at all is one of the best things that someone can do to get out of their lowest moment creatively.

My trip to NYC I consider its one of my best moments in life. Basically, it was telling myself that I can do much more things that I really think.

Can I say that it changed my life? I will not affirm it that but it is very close. Seeing all those people, in the same place, seeing the same things, thinking about different things and really reconsidering the beauty of a moment was what I liked the most. I can say that I am a city girl, even that my whole life as a teenager I lived in a rural part of my country.

This week I did not read much about design, or publicity, much less about UX, but if I did something that had a lot that I did not do and is doing something that I really want and achieve it, that feeling was everything.

Two verbs that are stronger and represent much more than one expects

Decide and perform

I feel very at peace knowing that the circumstances of my trip were not the best but that I make everything possible to enjoy those moments of clarity and emotion. Sometimes the only thing that we lack to function well is a change, at least a couple of days.

The main result of this trip was connecting with people and their ideas of life, design, and power of decision.



Talk to design

This is the documentation of a young women trying to become a HOW DESIGN LIVE speaker and everything that is in between.