Manish Kumar, Owner @
Manish Kumar, Owner @

I am a skilled Senior PHP Developer with a strong background in web application development. I specialize in using PHP frameworks like Laravel and CodeIgniter to build complex and robust websites.

What I Do:

- Backend Development: Expert in PHP, Laravel, and CodeIgniter.

- Frontend Development: Proficient in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Vue.js for interactive interfaces.

- Problem-Solving: Known for writing clean, efficient code and solving problems effectively.

Work Style:

- Team Player: Thrive in both independent and team settings.

- Development Methodologies: Experienced with Agile, Scrum, and Waterfall.

- Best Practices: Always adhere to coding best practices.


- Diverse Projects: Managed everything from small web apps to large business systems.

- Full Development Cycle: Skilled in planning, designing, coding, testing, and launching products.

Continuous Learning:

- Staying Updated: Committed to learning new trends and tools in technology.

- Tools & Services: Proficient in Git, Jenkins, AWS, and Linode.

I am passionate about technology and constantly strive to improve my skills to deliver high-quality solutions.

Manish Kumar, Owner @

Manish Kumar, Owner @

Principal Software Engineer with 11 years in PHP and 6 in Laravel. I write about web dev on LinkedIn and Medium, exploring Docker and microservices