People Don’t Have to Be Nice to You. And That’s Okay.

3 min readApr 29, 2019
Photo by Charry Jin from Pexels

How rude.

It’s Monday morning and as you’re walking into your favorite coffee shop to pick up your caramel macchiato, a woman rushes past you, nearly bumping your wallet out of your hands. You continue to walk inside, but you’re still a little disgruntled about the whole interaction. She didn’t even apologize.

Now, you’re driving to work, which is always incredibly stressful because traffic is a horrible, god-awful mess. As you slowly roll forward, a white Nissan swerves its way into your lane. He came out of nowhere, and out of both surprise and rage, you let the driver know of his incompetence with your horn, words, and obscene hand gestures. You swore you saw an eye roll in his rear view mirror. He doesn’t care you nearly hit him.

You eventually make it to work, shaken up and stressed before the workday actually started.

In a world with billions of people, it’s easy to be both protective of ourselves and our needs, and for absolute chaos to ensue. We feel that it’s easy, in a crowd of 7.5 billion people, to get lost and trampled on.

It’s easy to feel as though no one actually cares about us. So we raise our defenses, and we stand strong for what we believe in.




Creator of the blog How to Love a Creative, designer, photographer, and full time dog mom. Visit my site