Pioneering Corporate Environmental Performance Tracking with AI: Insights from Our Journey

4 min readJun 5, 2024


Permutable AI Customer and Supplier Environmental Performance Tracker Heatmap for Tesco

As the CMO of Permutable AI, I’m excited to share how our cutting-edge technology and data intelligence is transforming the landscape of environmental performance tracking in this, my latest article. In an era where sustainability is paramount, the ability to accurately monitor and improve environmental impact is crucial. Our innovative tool, the Customer and Supplier Chain heatmap, is at the forefront of this transformation, providing detailed insights into how companies perform across various environmental metrics.

The Evolution of Environmental Monitoring

The task of tracking environmental performance involves analyzing diverse factors such as carbon emissions, biodiversity, clean energy use, and more. Traditional methods of sustainability and ESG data intelligence collection and analysis often fall short, being both labour-intensive and prone to inaccuracies. AI and machine learning, however, offer unprecedented precision and speed in processing large datasets, thus revolutionizing environmental monitoring.

Comprehensive Data Integration

At Permutable AI, we integrate data from multiple sources, including environmental reports, regulatory filings, all combined within our real-time monitoring systems. This holistic approach ensures that no crucial data points are missed. Leveraging natural language processing, our AI can even analyze unstructured data from news articles and reports, providing a comprehensive view of a company’s environmental performance.

Unpacking the Heatmap

Our Customer and Supplier Chain heatmap — which in this case, uses Tesco, the leading supermarket chain as an example, focuses on a broad range of environmental issues, including:

  • Affordable and Clean Energy
  • Biodiversity
  • Carbon Emissions
  • Clean Water and Sanitation
  • Climate Action
  • Deforestation
  • Emissions
  • Environmental Impact
  • Greenhouse Gas Emissions
  • Natural Disasters
  • Natural Resources
  • Packaging Material and Waste
  • Pollution
  • Raw Materials
  • Recycling
  • Toxic Emissions

By assessing these categories which are taken from our rich ESG taxonomy whilst using Tesco as an example, we can deliver precise performance indicators for each company, highlighting areas of strength and pinpointing opportunities for improvement.

Real-World Applications and Insights

Now let’s look at some more detailed examples of analysis of companies featured in Tesco’s Customer and Supplier heatmap:

Coca-Cola (Customer, Beverages)

Coca-Cola’s performance in affordable and clean energy (100%), biodiversity (100%), and carbon emissions (95%) may well indeed highlight its commitment to sustainable practices, despite what its critics say. However, areas like animal welfare (-87%) and toxic emissions (-94%) undoubtedly need significant improvement. By re-evaluating supplier practices and investing in cleaner technologies, Coca-Cola can enhance its overall sustainability.

Casino, Guichard (Customer, Food)

Our data for Casino, Guichard shows exemplary performance across most environmental categories, achieving 100% in several areas. This highlights the company’s effective environmental management and dedication to sustainability. Their approach serves as a model for other companies striving for comprehensive environmental performance.

General Mills (Customer, Food)

According to our analysis, General Mills excels in affordable and clean energy (100%) and biodiversity (99%), but lower scores in pollution (33%) and animal welfare (59%) indicate areas needing attention. Focusing on reducing pollutants and enhancing animal welfare practices can significantly improve their sustainability footprint.

Kellogg (Customer, Food)

Kellogg’s strong performance in affordable and clean energy (100%) contrasts with its lower score in climate action (34%). This suggests a need for more aggressive measures to combat climate change, such as setting ambitious targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and investing in climate-resilient infrastructure.

Pilgrim’s Pride (Supplier, Food)

Pilgrim’s Pride faces challenges in animal welfare (-50%) and packaging material and waste (-84%). Implementing more humane animal treatment practices and adopting sustainable packaging solutions are critical steps to improving their environmental sustainability.

The Importance of Environmental Performance Tracking

Our heatmap is a powerful tool for quickly assessing and comparing the environmental performance of companies within a supply chain. It helps stakeholders identify strengths and weaknesses in their environmental policies and practices, allowing for targeted improvements and compliance with environmental regulations. By fostering transparency and regular monitoring, companies can enhance their sustainability strategies and build trust with stakeholders.

Looking Ahead

We are continually refining our AI models to detect nuanced environmental data, providing deeper insights into corporate sustainability practices. Enhanced predictive analytics will allow us to forecast future trends, enabling businesses to proactively address potential environmental challenges.

Final thoughts

Tracking environmental performance with AI is essential for making informed decisions that benefit both the planet and the bottom line. At Permutable AI, we are committed to providing businesses with the tools and insights needed to navigate the complexities of environmental sustainability. By focusing on key environmental metrics, companies can drive long-term sustainability and improve their ecological footprint.

For more insights and to learn how our technology can benefit organizations, visit our website, contact us directly and follow our LinkedIn for our latest insights and innovations in AI, ML, NLP and LLMs.




Dedicated truthseeker at Permutable AI with a passion for uncovering insights. On a mission to explore the endless possibilities of data-driven truths.