How Do You Ascend Your Mind? Who Are Our Ascended Masters?


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“The Mind is a Beautiful Servant, a Dangerous Master”

So, until we don’t know how to take the drivers steering in our life journeys, We often allow our mind to take the steering and let it drive towards a vulnerable future.

So it’s a must to take a charge of our life or somebody else will drive it to fulfill their desires. Our mind is not limited to our body and thus we all have the power to take our mind wherever we want without physically being present there.

Suppose, If I ask you to think about your bestie, definitely smile will automatically come to your face thinking about the last trip you both took together and you will start to vividly visualize those moments of joy!

Here, if you notice, you are sitting at the same place but when i asked you about that memory automatically in fraction of seconds, your mind picked up those moments and emotions and that feels so real as if you are at that place. In deep sleep also you will notice how real it feels when you wake up after dreaming.

We have the unlimited power to drive our mind wherever we want and ascending it means expanding it beyond your physical barriers. When we practice meditations and focus on our breathing, our mind starts to ascend and we feel invisible energy around our head and body.

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This is no longer about the individual learning how to access their light body to leave earth, but rather, we first tap into our Self, which is sometimes called the higher Self, and then with the help of Spiritual Practices and devotion to serving us. We are able to access our light bodies and live here on earth as the ascended masters that we were original.

An ascended master is a person who, through self-conscious effort, has generated enough Love and Power within themselves to break free from the chains of all human limitations, and thus stands free and worthy of being trusted to exercise powers beyond the limits of human experience.

We can also think of this as a sentient being who lives on Earth and then rises to Heaven in his or her spirit body of light. Many Great Teachers lived a human life, but are now located in the spiritual domain of God.

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Through the wearing of the mind which is found in Christ Jesus, ascended teachers have gained mastery over time and space, and have gained mastery over the Self within the lower four bodies, in the lower planes of matter, within the chakras, and within the balancing triple-flame.

You, as the Ascension Master, already exist, and therefore, in order to become that energy and awareness, one must only embrace it, for being the Ascension Master is, simply, awareness of the self, Creator, and the earth, aligned with Creator Truth.

At the end of the process of self-mastery is leaving your body and ascended into the spirit planes — that is, becoming an ascended master. Any individual who becomes fully enlightened here on earth becomes truly Masterful once he or she leaves Earth and ascends into the hierarchies of the celestial pantheon.

We are all the Ascendants Masters on the earth, time is just an illusion created to create order in the world, therefore past, present, and future all exist at once, therefore you are everything that you wish to be spiritually, and can tap into energy to manifest. Every soul can rise up and still exist upon Earth, therefore, consider your personality this way.

Jesus showed the domain of the Ascended Masters and proved to humanity that each human being could call out their own divine self so much so that everyone could consciously direct everything that was human. They are everything that the term “Master” implies, for in calling forth the love, wisdom, and power of their inner God-Self, they show their Mastery of all things human.

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Spirituality teaches us to believe there is One God, a universal, pervading Presence of Life, the One, which is the Source of all love, light, and Truth in Being, and all forms of Being and consciousness arise out of that All-Self-of-God — the One.

Let’s embrace the power of our mind and channel the energy to something productive for our humanity!

Because we are the god, We are the LOVE.

Thanks for reading.

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