7 Famous Abstract Artists That Changed the Way We Think About Painting

Tamanna Khare
3 min readFeb 28, 2017


Abstract artists, expressionists, use a certain language to depict their thoughts. Adoptions of shapes, colors, formation, figurative, non-figurative are few ways that the artists use to show their thought process. However, there exists a little different way of understanding these paintings. Earlier it was thought to be vague and very incomprehensible. Nevertheless, there are a list of artists who have made abstract canvas paintings much desirable and clearer too. Below are 7 famous artists that changed the way we think about painting.

Abstract art by Pablo Picasso

1. Pablo Picasso: A synonym to abstract artist world is an artist par excellence. Pablo Ruiz y Picasso, a Spanish painter from France. He is the man behind the greatest change in the thought process about abstract artists. A co-founder of the cubism movement of the 20th century. An initiative for a recognition of art produced in Paris. His most famous work being, Les Demoiselles d Avignon meaning the young ladies of Avignon clear depiction of ladies at the brothel had a lot of applaud and was described as the “most influential work of art of the last 100 years” in the year 2007 by Newsweek, an American newspaper.

2. Richard Diebenkorn: A highly influential mid- century American artist known for his Ocean Park series of paintings. He is known as an artist who captured outside world with ease and love. His love for abstract work beautifully combines portraits, figurative and abstract styling too.

3. Helen Frankenthaler: An award winning American artist forms the national medal of arts, an award created by United States Congress. Her paintings are at large demand and remain over six decades at exhibitions with her Cool summer, gulf stream, pink lady to name a few.

4. Lee Krasner: A female abstract expressionist to be remembered for her reflective show at the Museum of Modern Art, one of the most influential art gallery of the world in New York. In 1995, catalogue raisonne showing more than 500 workpieces of her.

5. Robert Delaunay: A French artist known for his bold use of colors and geometric shapes. His work has been appreciated worldwide. Some of his famous oil canvas paintings being Paysage au disque, sun and moon, le premier disgue. Being associated with orphism, where focus was on pure abstraction and vibrant colors, his accolades in this field are many.

6. M.F Hussain: An artist whose anecdotal paintings are a perfect combination of abrasive and funny lines. Often referred as ‘Picasso of India’ he enjoyed freedom of expression and this can be seen in his work. The lost princess, black hill, Rajasthani women. Maqbool Fida Hussain a modern Indian painter who has changed the scenario of the way we think of abstract paintings. He is one of the founder members of the progressive Artists Group of Bombay(PAG)

7. Jackson Pollock: Paul Jackson Pollock is known for his Drip paintings. An American artist, who has received much distinction at the Museum of Modern Art in New York city. Autumn rhythm, shimmering substance, eyes in the heat are some of his work.

Love for art in any form is enticing and fascination. Some of the work brings in such soulful paintings that your day is made. Gracias to the artists who have taken the abstract world of painting to another level for a common man to understand.

