Tamara Yoxall
1 min readFeb 8, 2017

Networking #PHO616

How to prepare:

Make sure you have plenty of business cards with correct, relevant information. Also know what you want to talk about, interesting work you’ve made recently, well-known clients etc.

Look the part! Dress to look profesional- what would you wear to a consultation with these potential clients you’ll be meeting?

Know what you want to achieve, who do you want to meet? Can you find out whos going before and research?

Have conversations, don’t just talk about yourselves and don’t miss opportunities, walk up to people and introduce yourself.

Follow up! After meeting someone make sure you follow up and try build on that, send an email or call them inviting them to lunch or after work drinks etc. Don’t waste your hard work!

Tamara Yoxall

3rd Year Photography Student focusing on Profesional Futures Module — NGO Photography