Leave your Ego at the Door

Tamás Varga
1 min readMay 2, 2017


It’s difficult to keep learning when you are going through your day at 100 miles per hour.

Probably, this is the last thing you want to do.

But it’s extremely important.

Every mistake should be a learning opportunity.

When someone makes a mistake, instead of asking, “Why are you such an idiot?” (It’s your ego anyway.)

Ask, “Why did the process fail?

For example, why did you create a system where people can send to trash such an important file? How can he do it anyway? Why you don’t have backup servers?

Any notable bug or mistake should be discussed with your team in a “What did we learn?” session.

And don’t forget!

Leave your ego at the door!

It doesn’t matter who screwed up.

Only what to do differently next time.

People do not fail, processes do.

As Philip Zimbardo would say, “It’s not bad apples, it’s the barrel.

Talking and sharing what we’ve learned with each other is magical way to continuously improve your ‘barrel’.

