New App: f0lio

Tamas Szikszai
2 min readOct 5, 2017


This post is part of my “10 Apps in 12 Months” journey. Follow the tag to keep updated about my progress.

TL;DR: New app is out, check it out here.

Hello Stranger, long time no speak!

The fact that I was not posting here doesn’t mean I gave up on my goal. Turns out it is pretty hard holding down a day job, building apps in my spare time while leading a somewhat enjoyable life. But again, I did not give up.

The fact is that I’ve actually been pretty productive during the past couple of months. First and foremost I’ve released a spin-off version of my first app both for Android and iOS. The combined downloads on the two platforms are closing on the 100,000 mark and they are generating a pretty decent revenue. Happy days.

Besides that I’m building 3, very different apps at the same time. They are in different stages and there is not much I can share about them but they are definitely going to be released this year.

The reason I’m posting is to show off something I’ve released earlier today. It is a collaboration between me and my colleague / friend, the extremely talented developer, Alessio Fabiani.

One of the most exciting things we have seen this year in the tech world was the rise of the Cryptocurrencies. Sure, they were around before but with the price of Ethereum and Bitcoin skyrocketing suddenly everyone started “investing” in crypto. I’ve put “investing” in quotes because in my opinion even if you are making the most educated decisions in this market, you still end up betting rather than investing.

Anyway, if you are as obsessed with crypto as Alessio by now you surely have at least 30+ different coins stored in 10+ exchanges. Figuring out how much your portfolio worth is a real pain. Sure, there are many apps to keep track of them but in our opinion there are a couple of problems with them.

  • Most of them are developed by finance professionals, therefor the UX is clunky and the design just sucks.
  • They are developed for hardcore day traders and bloated with functionality that normal humans won’t ever understand.
  • They don’t support the exotic coins you just bought.

Enter f0lio. We built f0lio to enable the every day crypto investor to keep track of their portfolio in a beautiful, easy to use interface. And that is what it does, it counts your money [all your money, might I add] and looks pretty [like extremely pretty, might I add]

f0lio Demo

During the development I learned a lot (too much I would say) about colors so I will definitely write a separate blog post about it.

There is not much else I can add, you can download f0lio for Android here and the iOS version is coming very soon (considering people actually want it)

