Mental Health Awareness in Children

Tamekia Pugh
3 min readSep 29, 2019


Did you know that 1 out of every 6 kids (ages 6–17) have been diagnosed with treatable mental illness. Do you know the signs to look for in your child/children?

Kids Mental Health Organization

Kids Mental Health is an organization where parents can go to familiarize themselves with the signs of childhood mental illness. According to KMHO, “Children with mental health issues will have a difficult time acclimating to different situations. Studies have shown that these children, if left untreated by a mental health professional, will likely to grow up and repeat these same behaviors with their children. These children tend to have a lower self-worth, negative feelings, perform poorly in school, and later become involved in unhealthy lifestyle decisions. However, when these children are properly treated they can learn how to live a more promising life. They can overcome many of the issues that affect them without their consent. These children can live happy and productive lives that are filled with love, harmony, and a great mental health status.”­

NAMI- National Alliance of Mental Health is another organization designed to inform on Mental Health. Here you will also find information on suicide awareness and prevention. Anyone wanting to be an advocate for Mental Health Illness and Disorders, here’s a great place to start.

Celebrity Mental Health Awareness Advocates- Dewayne “The Rock” Johnson, Kendall Jenner, Mariah Carey, Lady Gaga,

Dewayne “The Rock” Johnson encouraging his fans struggling with depression to open up about their experiences and seek help to help prevent suicides. The actor revealed on Twitter on April 2, 2018, that he struggled with depression himself after witnessing his mother attempt to take her own life.
Kendall Jenner said she has been suffering from hypochondria and anxiety since she was a child. “It’s hard to get your brain to slow down and think about it and really process what’s happening,” Jenner said. “Anxiety is all mental, so you have to try and find your ways around it. I try and maintain it, but sometimes it’s out of your control.” Jenner explained that she’s tried various techniques to cope with her anxiety, including acupuncture and meditation.

Association For Children’s Mental Health is an organization designed to teach and support children and the parents of children who have been diagnosed with mental disorders.

Even under the best of circumstances, it can be challenging to distinguish between bad behavior and possible mental health concerns but hopefully this article can give you both hope, support, and the courage seek help. Many adults who seek treatment reflect back on how these disorders affected their childhood and wish that they had received help sooner. In general, if a child’s behavior begins to interfere with your daily activities then it is best to get them examined by a medical professional sooner rather than later. If a child talks about wanting to hurt him or herself or someone else or the child’s behavior becomes out of control and unsafe, then seek help immediately.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline- 1–800–273–8255

