What If Islam Never Existed?

Tamer Aydogdu
4 min readOct 31, 2023

Imagine a universe where Islam never existed. In this alternate reality, it is highly likely that the Middle East would be Christian since Christianity was the dominant religion in the region for centuries before the rise of Islam, and it is likely that it would have remained so without the Islamic conquest.

However, it is also likely that Christianity in the Middle East would be quite different from Christianity in Europe where Christianity has been shaped by centuries of interaction with other religions and cultures, including Paganism. As a result, it has developed a number of unique doctrines and practices.

Middle Eastern Christianity, on the other hand, would have developed in isolation from other denominations and retained a closer connection to its Jewish roots. Perhaps, it would have developed some unique doctrines and practices of its own.

So, in this alternate universe, the Middle East would be Christian, but it would be a different kind of Christianity, which is mostly shaped by Romans, than the Christianity that we know today. The conflict between different denominations of Christianity would be just as intense, if not more so. Both sides would call each other heretics, and they would be willing to fight to the death to defend their beliefs.



Tamer Aydogdu

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