Anchors for Your Health and Well-being

And Why It’s Essential to Have Them.

7 min readFeb 28, 2024
Photo by W.S. Coda on Unsplash

In October 2023, I started taking health and life courses to obtain a dual health and life coach certification.

Throughout the course, I have learned many valuable lessons.

An anchor is one of them.

When it comes to our health and well-being, life is keen on sending unexpected storms our way that can often make us feel as though we are drowning.

Just like a sailor needs an anchor to keep his ship in place, we need anchors to keep our lives on track through the various challenges and uncertainties that can easily throw us off course.

Anchors serve as stable and reliable elements that keep us connected to ourselves and our purpose.

Photo by The 77 Human Needs System on Unsplash

So, what is an anchor? How does it apply to your life? How does it apply to your goals?

An anchor is something physical in your environment that can remind you of your ‘WHY.’

Why are you doing x, y, and z? Why are you making an effort? Especially in times when you may not feel like it.

Why have you chosen to eat healthier? Why are you cutting out pop or soda? Why are you waking up early to go for a run?

Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

Every ‘why’ has an underlying cause.

You may want to eat healthier to help lower your blood sugar, or you may want to lose a few extra pounds.

You might want to cut out pop or soda because you are tired of relying on caffeine, and you know in your heart of hearts that pop isn’t doing your mind and body any favors.

Maybe you want to go for a run to be in nature, breathe in the fresh air, and wake up to a more energized, less stressed version of yourself.

Whatever your reason, anchors can provide us with stability, support, and a sense of direction throughout our health and life journeys.

Photo by Becca Tapert on Unsplash

Take a moment to think about your life and what you want to accomplish.

Come up with a vow or mantra for yourself. Something that will remind you of your ‘why.’

Photo by Allen Taylor on Unsplash

My ‘why’ is to be able to take care of myself and my children in all areas of my life.

Heaven forbid, if anything were to happen to my husband, I want to know that I could provide for myself and our children the way he does every day.

I want less stress and anxiety to be a part of my life. To know that my trauma is a time of the past and to prove to myself that I will not let it define me.

I want to set an example to my children that someone can be strong while maintaining vulnerability and that carving out time for self-care is not selfish but a necessity.

I want a balanced life that cultivates healthy habits, not because I have to but because I want to.

Photo by Erika Fletcher on Unsplash

My vow goes as follows;

I, Tammie, solemnly vow to recognize the importance of caring for myself to lead a fulfilling and purposeful life. To put the trauma of my past behind me and reclaim my power and peace. I will acknowledge and honor my past experiences without letting them define me. I commit to setting an example of a strong and independent woman who is stable and reliable. I will make self-care a non-negotiable priority in my daily life. I will strive for balance in all aspects of my life. I will adopt a mindset of self-love and self-acceptance. I will cultivate healthy habits that support my overall well-being. I will lead by example and surround myself with a supportive and uplifting community for my family and myself. Lastly, I will adapt and evolve as needed, recognizing that life is a journey of growth and change.

Photo by Leonie Janko on Unsplash

By now, you may be asking what all this has to do with anchors.

An anchor can be anything that grounds us and helps us maintain balance. These anchors serve as reminders of what truly matters and help us stay focused on our goals and aspirations.

Think of them as little reminders to make conscious choices rather than defaulting back to old behaviors.

Anchors are anything you can see, taste, touch, or feel.

When you experience or encounter your anchors, take the time to stop and remember your ‘why,’ think of your vow, and honor that commitment.

Take a moment to stop and think about your choices and actions. Remember that you are alive and breathing; because of that, you get to experience life. Not because you have to but because you have the pleasure to do so.

Anchors are pattern interrupters. Something that stops you when you're tempted to make choices that don’t align with your desired outcomes and makes you think, “Oh yeah, I want to do X for myself!”

Photo by Courtney Vitale on Unsplash

My anchors include my plants, the smell of my favorite perfume, fresh dill I keep in the fridge, and hugs.

I used to kill every plant I touched; my plants remind me that people evolve and change. They remind me that growth is possible.

The smell of my favorite perfume makes me feel fresh and put together. It may be a simple act of self-care, but it has always worked for me.

The fresh dill in my fridge offers a fresh aroma when I open the doors, reminding me of the sweetness and importance of healthy choices. It makes me pause to think, am I looking for food out of boredom or hunger? The herbs make it easy to want to reach for healthier options.

Hugs are always a constant whenever I’m having a rough or even a good day. Hugs allow my family and I to express our love and care for each other. When I receive hugs, especially from my family, I remember that I am loved and cared for regardless of my past experiences. I remember that I have eyes watching me, and setting a good example for them is essential.

Photo by Callum Shaw on Unsplash

By assigning ourselves anchors, we allow ourselves to focus on the present moment and cultivate a mindset that supports our well-being and growth in moments that might otherwise offer weaknesses.

Instead of eating out of boredom or staying in bed all day because it’s raining outside, we can smell the sweet aroma of dill, breathe in the feel of the rain, and remember why we are choosing our health and well-being.

When we have a clear sense of purpose and assign ourselves a vow, we are more likely to make choices that align with our values and goals.

Anchors give us a sense of direction and fuel our motivation to overcome obstacles in the everyday mundane. We create anchors that keep us grounded and propel us toward a fulfilling and meaningful life.

Join me in embracing these anchors and navigating our journeys with strength and resilience together.

Let me know in the comments what some of your anchors are and why. While you’re at it, feel free to offer up some claps of encouragement. Thank you to all who read this to the end. XOXO Tammie 🙂

Tammie is an aspiring health and life coach with a background in the school system. She has worked with kids from preschool through sixth grade and the SPED and library departments. Tammie is currently taking a writing class. She has three kids, two dogs, and one amazing husband. You can often find her sitting on her front porch and watching all the cool kids play in her yard. You can also find her at




Hi, I'm Tammie. I'm an aspiring Health and Life Coach with a background in all things children. 1x Boosted. You can find me at https://www.