The Meeting That Changed Everything

Deciding to Join the Therapy Train

3 min readMay 24, 2024
Photo by Christina @ on Unsplash

I met with a friend/colleague this past weekend, and she said something so simple yet so profound that I had to question how I had not thought of it myself.


It’s been on my mind for quite some time now. I am clearly going through some things that have been putting my mental health at risk.

Although I have gone outside a time or two and even joined in on a celebration with family due to a birthday and Mother’s Day, I have felt overwhelmed and disconnected from myself and those around me.

Photo by Valerie Titova on Unsplash

Depression is very real and challenging, and it is often not something that can be pinned down with a few words.

Often, I will say my problem in finding the ‘right’ therapist has more to do with my location and the political views in my surrounding areas than anything.

Whenever I go out, I am constantly bombarded by people and their thoughts on “You should go to church.”

It took me thirty-some years to build up enough courage to leave the toxicity of the church; I am in no hurry to make my way back there.

I have thought about therapy a time or two, but even in therapy (around here), there is always that fear that talk of religion will arise as well.

I need a therapist who can understand my wants and needs and who specializes in anxiety, depression, PTSD, etc, without pushing the religious aspect of things as well.

I don’t need someone to tell me that I’m depressed because,

“I need Jesus.”

Photo by Samantha Borges on Unsplash

My friend Michelle, however, suggested that I find a therapist online. Someone who is in a more rural area and specializes in the areas I need, someone who doesn’t know me or my family, and someone who I would be free enough to open up to and be myself, one hundred percent.

How have I not thought of this before?

Online therapy. It’s such a simple yet profound approach.

I did find Michelle online, after all. She is one of the few who understands and ‘gets’ me. I had to question, why wouldn’t I find a therapist online as well?

Photo by Masaaki Komori on Unsplash

I found an online platform called BetterHelp with thousands of online therapists to whom one can be matched. However, my daughter told me there was some scandal/lawsuit regarding their leaking of clients' information.

I wanted to reach out to my online family and ask for your advice.

What are your thoughts on BetterHelp? Have you ever used it? Do you have any suggestions for online therapy if you feel BetterHelp is not a suitable place for treatment?

Any other thoughts/ideas you can offer are always appreciated.

Thank you to all who read this to the end and for your continued support as I navigate this trying time.

You are loved and appreciated.

*Tammie is an aspiring health and life coach with a background in the school system. She has worked with kids from preschool through sixth grade and the SPED and library departments. She has three kids, two dogs, and one amazing husband. You can often find her sitting on her front porch and watching all the cool kids play in her yard. You can also find her at




Hi, I'm Tammie. I'm an aspiring Health and Life Coach with a background in all things children. 1x Boosted. You can find me at https://www.