Download PDF How the World Ran Out of Everything: Inside the Global Supply Chain By Peter S. Goodman

Tammi Pember
4 min readJun 3, 2024


How the World Ran Out of Everything: Inside the Global Supply Chain By Peter S. Goodman

[PDF] How the World Ran Out of Everything: Inside the Global Supply Chain By Peter S. Goodman
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How the World Ran Out of Everything

Part Michael Lewis, part The Way Things Work: From the New York Times’s Global Economics Correspondent, an extraordinary journey revealing the worldwide supply chain — exposing both the fascinating pathways of manufacturing and transportation that bring products to your doorstep, and the ruthless business logic that has left local communities at the mercy of a complex and fragile network for their basic necessities.

How does the wealthiest country on earth run out of protective gear in the middle of a public health catastrophe? How do its parents find themselves unable to locate crucially needed infant formula? How do its largest companies spend billions of dollars making cars that no one can drive for a lack of chips?

The last few years have radically highlighted the intricacy and fragility of the global supply chain. Enormous ships were stuck at sea, warehouses overflowed, and delivery trucks stalled. The result was a scarcity of everything from breakfast cereal to medical devices, from frivolous goods to lifesaving necessities. And while the scale of the pandemic shock was unprecedented, it underscored the troubling reality that the system was fundamentally at risk of descending into chaos all along. And it still is. Sabotaged by financial interests, loss of transparency in markets, and worsening working conditions for the people tasked with keeping the gears turning, our global supply chain has become perpetually on the brink of collapse.

In How the World Ran Out of Everything, award-winning journalist Peter S. Goodman reveals the fascinating innerworkings of our supply chain and the factors that have led to its constant, dangerous vulnerability. His reporting takes readers deep into the elaborate system, showcasing the triumphs and struggles of the human players who operate it — from factories in Asia and an almond grower in Northern California, to a group of striking railroad workers in Texas, to a truck driver who Goodman accompanies across hundreds of miles of the Great Plains. Through their stories, Goodman weaves a powerful argument for reforming a supply chain to become truly reliable and resilient, demanding a radical redrawing of the bargain between labor and shareholders, and deeper attention paid to how we get the things we need.

Goodman delves into the intricate web of interconnectedness that defines our modern world, tracing the journey of a simple product from its raw materials to its final destination. He exposes the often-hidden costs of globalization, highlighting the exploitation of workers in developing countries and the environmental degradation caused by our insatiable demand for cheap goods. He also examines the role of government policy in shaping the supply chain, arguing that deregulation and a focus on short-term profits have contributed to its instability.

The book is not without its criticisms of corporate greed and the relentless pursuit of efficiency at the expense of resilience. Goodman argues that the just-in-time inventory system, while effective in reducing costs, has left the supply chain vulnerable to disruptions. He also criticizes the consolidation of power in the hands of a few large corporations, which has reduced competition and made it difficult for smaller businesses to survive.

Despite the bleak picture he paints, Goodman remains cautiously optimistic about the future. He believes that by recognizing the flaws in the current system and working to address them, we can create a more sustainable and equitable global economy. He calls for greater transparency in supply chains, improved working conditions for laborers, and a shift away from short-term profits towards long-term resilience.

From one of the most respected economic journalists working today, How the World Ran Out of Everything is a fiercely smart, deeply informative look at how our supply chain operates, and why its reform is crucial — not only to avoid dysfunction in our day-to-day lives, but to protect the fate of our global fortunes.

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PDF How the World Ran Out of Everything: Inside the Global Supply Chain By : Peter S. Goodman
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Tammi Pember

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