The Little Things Do Matter…..

Tammy Gillis Stanley
1 min readApr 29, 2020


With almost everything in life it is the little things that matter. Those little, seemingly meaningless actions are what add up to tip the scales.

Think about any area of your life. Let’s say your relationship… what little deposits are you making daily to your relationship to help it grow and thrive? What fertilizer are you using to keep things growing? What weeds, or habits that do not contribute to the growth of your relationships, are you tending to and removing?

Likewise for your finances? Similar to your relationships or your garden, what small deposits are you making on a regular basis to ensure your financial house is in order? It could be reviewing your spending habits and making adjustments where needed. It could be paying down more of your debt. It could be refraining from making an unnecessary online purchase.

Go ahead and enjoy the little things but be aware of which little things are contributing to your long term well being.



Tammy Gillis Stanley

I am a Relationship & Freedom Builder! I am passionate about helping others Ignite Their Freedom in all areas of life.