Relearning the itch to write

Tamsin Hodge
3 min readJun 19, 2022


Photo by Green Chameleon on Unsplash

Unblocking writer’s block, it’s a real thing. The lack of inspiration, lack of time, not being able to find your voice or losing confidence in being able put words down…..some, or all of these things, can play a part.

The block crept up on me, but the desire, in fact the need to write has always been there — it’s the itch I need to scratch.

As a young girl I began writing a journal on a daily basis — I was given a diary as a present when I was 6 years old and from that point I sat on my bed at the end of each day reflecting and writing down the events of the day or whatever I was thinking.

I kept this habit going throughout my teenage and adult life and I evolved my writing into a professional career as a journalist in the regional press in the South West of England.

This really helped me to itch my writing scratch on a daily basis and also draw on my love of science, nature, technology and people. I loved the variety of the work, the dynamic nature of the evolving stories and daily deadlines, and the way the whole team pulled together to create a quality news service for our community.

Me (front row centre) and the news team at the Bridgwater Mercury at an evening together celebrating all that’s great about journalism and itching the writing scratch

As the newspaper industry changed, making it’s first tentative steps from paper to digital, I stepped out of journalism and evolved my career into various roles in marketing, corporate communications, technical project delivery and product management. All roles tested and shaped me to learn new things — and under pinning them all was my core skill of writing and communication.

But, somewhere along the way I lost sight of that. I forgot that writing is at my very core, it’s what makes me who I am. I didn’t realise it had happened, it crept up on me.

During the COVID-19 pandemic I stopped writing a journal completely, my one and only Blog on Medium was in 2017 and due to the nature of my work my writing became constrained to technical documentation….and this made me doubt myself. I lost my way.

So here I am, relearning to itch my writing scratch.

The change has come through the help of a brilliant Mentor, who’s helped to guide me on my journey, support of those who know and love me, working towards and achieving a communications and engagement role, and overcoming a fear of writing which is totally my own perception.

If you’re looking to refind your writing mojo, or get started, then I’d recommend taking a look at this for some sound advice and guidance too:

Thank you for taking the time to read my Blog. I do very much appreciate it.

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Tamsin Hodge

Doing product, marketing & business change at the UK Hydrographic Office. Former journalist, news editor & STEM Ambassadors team lead. All views are my own.